This is a somewhat revised version of a list of comparisons and similarities between Darkwing Duck and Disney's version of Aladdin (because some of these things ARE more like comparisons than similarities).

1. They both have roles that are technically outside the law (Darkwing is a vigilante; Aladdin is a street rat).

2. They both have a strong desire to make something better for themselves than what they started out with.

3. They can BOTH be pretty cocky and stubborn at times (though, in all fairness to Aladdin, though his self-image is occasionally slightly larger than healthy [only slightly, however], he's downright modest next to Darkwing [as almost anybody would be]).

4. They both rely pretty heavily on their wits, skills and determination (along with some help from their friends) to beat the bad guys (the "relying on their wits" stuff is really important because of the next two similarities)

5. Neither has any super-powers.

6. They both frequently face opponents that are technically many times their own power-level.

7. They both have big-hearted goofball sidekicks who can be still be pretty useful from time to time (Darkwing has Launchpad; Aladdin has Genie)

8. They both have arguably some of Disney's coolest villains amongst their rogues galleries.

9. They both have that special female who acts as their personal glue (Darkwing has an adopted daughter; Aladdin has a fiancee [and later wife]).

10. Both met their personal glue partially through the machinations of a villain (more so Darkwing though).

11. Darkwing converted a villainess to good; Aladdin converted a villain's sidekick to semi-good.

12. Sorceresses have fallen for both (though it was only mutual in Darkwing's case).

13. Both have to regularly deal with over-muscled, by-the-book pains-in-the neck who AREN'T exactly buddy-buddy with them (Darkwing has to deal with Grizzlikoff [and, to a lesser extent, Gizmoduck]; Aladdin has to deal with Rausol).

14. They both have pretty cool romantic interests in my humble and honest opinion (Darkwing has Morgana McCawber; Aladdin has Princess Jasmine).

and finally...... They both always forget the milk (actually, that one is just Darkwing; I just couldn't resist using a reference to that "I always forget the milk" bit).