When It Rains, It Pours

Note: This short story takes place about five years after the end of "Aladdin and The King of Thieves". Since Iago, Cassim, Thundra and all other characters mentioned in this story are all copyrighted by Disney, I have absolutely NO profit motive with this short story.


Cassim was becoming increasingly worried about Iago; it's been six months since the parrot's break-up with Thundra, the Rain Forest queen who has apparently been Iago's girlfriend since a-year-and-a-half before Iago and Cassim even met and, it was VERY apparent that, in spite of the parrot's claims to the contrary, he was taking the break-up VERY hard. For one thing, Iago hasn't even been in the mood for treasure hunts two-thirds of the time since Thundra dumped him (as evidenced by the fact that the parrot has actually TURNED DOWN ten out of the fifteen treasure hunt opportunities they have heard about in the six months since the break-up). For another, those instances when Iago DID agree to a treasure hunt, the parrot has been increasingly reckless; almost acting like he had a death wish (in fact, at one point, Iago even tried taking on THREE sorceresses AND TWO fire-breathing dragons all at the same time single-handedly [somehow, the parrot WON the fight but he STILL came within a quarter-inch of getting himself killed]). For YET ANOTHER thing, Iago has developed a recurring dream in which he was in the Rain Forest ABSOLUTELY BEGGING for Thundra's forgiveness (In fact, the exact words Iago said in his sleep [in a VERY sincere tone, I might add] were "I'm VERY, VERY, VERY sorry, Thundra. PLEASE forgive me. If you take me back, I solemnly swear that I'll NEVER put gold and jewels ahead of you again. YOU'RE a greater treasure than all the gold and jewels in the world anyway.") For another thing STILL, Iago has actually written literally DOZENS of love letters to Thundra which he has bribed other birds to deliver to the Rain Forest for him. Finally, Iago got hyper-sensitive about the songs "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head", "You Belong To My Heart" and "As Time Goes By" (as evidenced by the fact that Iago went absolutely ballistic when Genie actually tried singing those songs the last two times Cassim and Iago visited the former's grandchildren [both of those instances were within the last six months]).
The last time Iago and Cassim dropped in on Thundra, the parrot cut that visit short because of a huge treasure he just found out about just two days riding (in Cassim's case) and flying (in Iago's case) time away from their location at the time. Needless to say, the rain forest queen didn't take that well and told Iago in no uncertain terms that they were through. Iago readily acknowledged that he lost Thundra because of his greed and ego, but had too much pride to openly admit how much the break-up was hurting him.
Finally, a rain cloud came up to Iago and Cassim and down-poured enough rain and lightning to make it clear that Thundra did want to see them. Iago's spirits suddenly lifted more than he cared to admit as he looked at Cassim and said "Okay, old friend, let's see what ol' Thundra wants, huh? Not that I've got it that bad for her; I'm just trying do her a courtesy.", though Cassim could see through THAT lie easily.
Within four days of full-tilt riding (in Cassim's case) and flying (in Iago's case), the duo reached the Rain Forest and saw Thundra waiting. Iago looked around and asked in an only-too-eager-to-help voice "What is it, Thundra? Who's bothering you? Mozenrath? Mechanikles? Malcho? Mirage? Well, whoever it is, Cassim and I will handle them."
"Nothing like that, my little giblet." Thundra said reassuringly before adding in a remorseful tone "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for how I acted six months ago."
"Quite all right, Thundra. I MORE THAN forgive you. The truth is I was the one who acted inexcusably. I should have NEVER put mere gold and jewels ahead of the REAL treasure. It took losing you for me to realize that and, if you'll take me back, I promise I'll never, ever make the mistake of putting material wealth ahead of YOU again." Iago answered in a tone of sickeningly sincere affection.
With that, Thundra kissed Iago fully on the beak, which caused Iago to blush and give a pleasantly embarrassed smile. After that, the Rain Forest queen gave Iago a firm embrace with one wing while using her other wing to gently stroke Iago's top feathers, which causes him to blush even more and let out a lovesick sigh. Cassim quietly quipped "I think that means she's going to take him back."
Iago managed to get himself just loose enough from Thundra's embrace to take his wings to her face, very gently pull her face back up to his and passionately return her kiss. After Thundra let Iago out of her embrace, she then said, "I've got to get back to work, mi amour, but we'll pick it after I take care of this business," with a wink and smile.
Iago then flew back down to Cassim and said "Look, Cassim, I'm going to BE A WHILE and I would rather not have you eaves-dropping on Thundra and I. No offense, but we're going to want to be alone."
Cassim nodded understandably and rode off. Well, after Thundra finished her days work load, she found Iago still waiting patiently and what followed is a lot of activity best left to the imagination.
Epilogue: Three weeks later:

Iago and Cassim returned to the Rain Forest for a casual visit and Iago, to his horror, saw Thundra looking rather tired. "Gracias for saving me the trouble of calling you, giblet. The past couple of weeks, I've been suffering from unusual bouts of morning sickness and near-constant tiredness. I've had Genie over here to run some tests and he confirmed my suspicions." Thundra greeted in a weak voice, the last part making Iago feel more than a little nervous.
"You don't mean you're pregnant, do you Thundra?" Iago asked in a shocked but very loving voice.
"Si, mi amour." Thundra said quietly.

With that Iago turned to Cassim and explained "Look old friend; I'll admit that I value our partnership ... and friendship .... a great deal, but I'm afraid that partnership has come to an end. No intended insult, but I intend to BE THERE for MY upcoming kid or kids. After all, I helped get Thundra into this and I'm going to face up to my parental responsibilities even if it kills me."
Cassim nodded and shook Iago's wing as a "wishing you the best of luck" gesture before riding off.

The End


As aforementioned, all characters mentioned in this story are copyrighted by Disney, so I'm only writing this story for entertainment purposes.