
"WHOA!" Willow fell off of her step-stool and landed on her ass. Fortunately, it wasn't a big fall.

"You okay?" Oz asked, looking down at Willow.

"Oh yeah, I'm used to being a human elevator." Willow replied. If Oz didn't know her better, he swear she'd just used sarcasm.

"What were you doing looking on the top selves, anyway?"

"Oh, umm, I was just..."

"Looking at the spells that Giles said you weren't ready for yet?" Oz looked at her and grinned.

Willow hung her head Defeatedly and muttered "Yes." Oz lowered his hand and help her to her feet.

"Well, it looks like you liberated one of them." Oz suggested. He pointed to one that laid on the floor beside Willow.

"Oh wow." Willow muttered to herself. She smiled inwardly as she looked at the scroll. She picked it up and unrolled it. It was a map of an ancient Arabian city. However, she couldn't read the Arabic writing.

The odd part was that there was a spell attached to the map. It was held on by an old rusty paperclip. The spell was written in Gaelic. Willow began to read the spell.

The spell basically translated into this..."Forces of power and might, there is a great wrong that I must right. Open wide, your gates of time so that I may go to the other side. Take me to a land far away. Take me there today!"

No sooner had Willow read this, than the spell began to take effect. A great blue light started to circle around Willow. The lights in the library began to flicker on and off. The books flew off of the selves and flew in circles around her and Oz. Willow wanted to cry for help, but couldn't be heard over the booming thunderclaps. The circling blue lights closed in on her and she disappeared.

Willow now stood on a rooftop made of a single stone slab. She looked down, and her clothes had changed. She was no longer wearing her orange tee-shirt and denim overalls. Now, she wore baggy white pants and a buttoned up (thank goodness for small miracles) black vest. She noticed a gray scarf wrapped around her neck. However, further inspection revealed it to be a hood.

"STOP THAT THIEF!" She heard a heard somebody yell. Wow, he sounds angrier than Xander did when he found out Angel came back. she thought to herself. "She went up onto that roof! Hurry up men, or the Sultan will have your jobs!" She then glanced down to see the commotion. There were five guards running around searching for this mysterious thief. She then saw their leader.

He was a big man. His shoulders were built like mountains. His arms were rockier than a soap opera relationship. The same went for his legs. He wore an open black vest and baggy white pants. Black vest, white pants, those are the clothes I have on! Am I the thief? Willow asked herself. A scarecrow-like soldier looked upwards at her. Unlike the others, however, he was wearing a barrel strapped over his shoulders.

"There she is! She is the witch who stole my clothes!" EEP! Willow thought.

"After her men! Do not give her the chance to escape again!" Again?! I've escaped before?!

She then waited for the guards to scramble out of her sight. She started backing up and then ran forward with all of her slayerette might! She gave a fantastic leap, but fell short of the next building. However, she did land on a well-stretched piece of cloth that was serving as a roof. The cloth acted like a trampoline and propelled her onto the building's roof. She was able to turn around and see the other guards looking around confused. She giggled to herself.

"NOBODY ESCAPES RASOUL...TWICE IN THE SAME DAY!" she heard the mountain man holler. She then proceeded to escape...for the first time that day.

Part One

Willow had never fancied herself a thief. Technopagean, fledgling witch, and slayerette yes. Common thief, never. Imagine her surprise when it came so easily.

She was wondering through the streets of the Arabian city she didn't recognize. Amazingly, however, she understood every word spoken. She was still in her stolen uniform and hood. That's when she saw a curious sight.

She saw a monkey in a little orange vest and fez stealing apples from a stand. The overweight vender yelled in protest. "You...miserable little son of a jackal." Willow then saw him draw a scimitar from his belt. Think fast. Willow bent down and picked up a small stone. She pitched it and hit the vendor square in the forehead. He went out like a light.

"Sorry." Willow apologized. The monkey scampered over towards her.

"Ah po!" the monkey seemed to say, lifting his little fez. This was, without a doubt, the cutest thing she'd ever seen. The monkey then handed her one of the liberated apples.

"Thanks." she started eating the apple and realized how hungry she was. "I don't suppose you know how to reverse an unintentionally cast spell. Do you?" The monkey shook his head sadly. He then perked right back up again. He took a hold of her hand and led her away from the marketplace and towards the palace.

"So, let me get this straight," the monkey's owner named Aladdin said. "You used a spell that you never saw before and stole the uniform from a royal guard without meaning to?"

"No, I didn't steal the uniform." Willow defended herself.

"Then...what are you wearing?"

"I'll get back to you on that. Please, I have to reverse the spell and get home."

"I don't know if I can help. Genie?" A big blue-skinned creature suddenly appeared in the room.

It took the form of an army general cliche' and said "Sir, yes sir! Present and accounted for, SIR!" Aladdin proceeded to tell it what Willow had told him.

"That sounds like sand magic. AHH! SAND WITCH!!" The Genie then proceeded to go through an unexplainable amount of comical changes.

"Wiccan," Willow created.

"A Wiccan Witch? Do you, by any chance, come from the west?" Genie asked.

"Genie, this is serious!" Aladdin interrupted. "Is there any way to break the spell?"

"The only way to break a sand spell, Al, is to see it through."

"You mean..."

"If you're going back, kiddo," Genie replied "you've got to right a wrong."

"But any wrong will do, right?"

"Oh no, it has to be the right wrong or it won't work right, or something like that."

"If you ask me, all we have to do is...on second thought, I'll keep quiet." said a parrot flying into the room.

"Talk Iago." Aladdin said threateningly.

"Or you'll do what?"

"Uhh...if you don't, I'll summon both elements." Willow said thinking quick.

"Have you been eating bad fish? THERE ARE FOUR ELEMENTS!" Iago yelled.

"I can only summon two, but I'll get the other two down soon enough."

"You think I'm scared of a witch who can't cast a spell right?"

"If you don't help...I'll try to turn you into a rat. Who knows what you might end up like? Maybe a...frilled lizard."

"AHH! NO! Not that! I'll do anything not to be turned into a bug eater again!" Again? This has happened to him before? Willow chuckled at the thought. "Listen, Ms. Hyena, go talk to the sand witch Sadira and let her straighten you out!"

"You think she can help me?" Willow said hopefully.

"Look at it this way, you couldn't possibly do any worse than what you've already been through. Right?"

"Let's fairy tales...a boyfriend who's also a werewolf...a town full of vampires...yeah, you're right."

"Hold the phone!" Iago said complainingly. "You've got vampires in your hometown and your going back? Am I the only one here with a brain that...oh no you don't. Al, you're getting that let's-hurt-the-parrot look again."

"Carpet, you and Iago take Willow to go see Sadira."

"Why do I always end up going?"

"It looks like to me that you talked Aladdin into it." Willow offered.

"Oh, you're a real help you are!"

Part Two Coming Soon