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We are the home of 167 authors from among our 746 members. There have been 2011 reviews written about our 530 stories. A special welcome to our newest member, Disneygirl19.
Reviews For
Reviewer: JasAndAlFan4ever Signed Date: 10/31/13 - 12:20AM Title: Aladdin's Savior

Hi! I love this story! I love how Jasmine was the one to rescue Aladdin! The Secret of Dagger Rock is one of my favorite episodes! You had everyone down! Your stories are awesome!

Reviewer: soohe Anonymous Date: 07/21/06 - 04:27PM Title: Aladdin's Savior

oh i loved this story, especially the fact that Jasmine was portrayed as the heroine and not just a victim!

it reminded me of the Secret of Dagger Rock~ well anyways great work!

Author's Response: Thanks Soohe. It does remind us of Dagger Rock, because that was my inspiration...

Reviewer: Sadira Anonymous Date: 03/05/05 - 08:20PM Title: Aladdin's Savior

Hey there! Sadira here. i just wanted to let you know that i jsut read your story, "Aladdin's Savior". i really enjoyed it. While "The Secret of Dagger Rock" wasn't my favoirte episode of the show, I really enjoyed reading your story.

Author's Response: Thanks Sadira, I really appreciate it. I'm glad that you liked this particular story, even though it isn't one of my most popular. I like how you review your stories, please continue. Every author enjoys getting reviews... trust me.

Reviewer: Princess Lydia Signed Date: 11/30/04 - 06:38PM Title: Aladdin's Savior

Great storie I have always like Mozenrath stories. It was short but sweet it was very good. And exciting. Sort of a sequel to "The Secret Of Dagger Rock" ! Huh? Very fun and very good!!

Author's Response: Thank you. This is one of my "I'm too lazy to think up my own plot line" thing. I didn't want to copy the "Dagger Rock" episode, but it just sorta happened. I'm still glad you liked it, and I hope you don't think that I like to copy the episodes. I really don't, but it still is one good storie, and feels good to hear other people feel the same.