Cassim's Secret by PMarie

Summary: Cassim is dying. He reveals a secret that he has kept for years and has one last request regarding the secret.
Rating: PG starstarstarstarhalf-star
Categories: Aladdin
Characters: Original Characters, Aladdin, Cassim
Genres: Dark/Angst
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Published: 12/05/04
Updated: 12/05/04


Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Secrets
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Search
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Morning of Mourning
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: She Ain't Heavy, She’s My Sister

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Secrets

Cassim’s Secret

By: Pmarie  

Warning: A much-loved character
dies in this. I'm sorry if you don't like the idea. I used to write
stories more tragic than this. Rated: PG 

Cassim had gotten
ill about a year after Aladdin and Jasmine had been married. Fearing
these would be his father’s last days alive Aladdin invited his father
to live with him in the palace where he would get around the clock care.
While on his deathbed he reveals a secret to Aladdin that he has kept
to himself for 4 years. What will it be? Read on. 

Chapter 1: Secrets 

Cassim had
been ailing and there was not much time left for him, which was a shame
since Aladdin and Jasmine had only been married for about a year and
he would never live to see his grandchildren just like Jasmines father.
Jasmines father had died shortly after the couple got married. The man
was in his 60’s and died of a heart attack, now they feared that they
were going to lose Cassim. Aladdin and Jasmine took him in. As Cassim
lay in bed one-day, weak, Aladdin tended to him.

“ Aladdin,
my boy.”

“Yes father.”

“I know son,
that I may not have much time left. Before the inevitable happens I
must tell you something. I have kept this to myself for about 3 years
now. I must tell you, please don't get angry at me for not telling you
before. About 4 years ago while I was still with the 40 thieves we ventured
into this town. You might have heard of it. It’s a town called Gedzestan
(sp?). Well... while there doing what Gedzestan is famous for I met a
woman. We fell in love almost immediately. I continued to see her from
time to time for about 3 months. On the day when I had planned on proposing
to her she had an announcement. She was going to have our baby. I was
happy for a while, until she had asked me to leave because she had found
someone else. This other man was rich and could provide. I was heartbroken
and sadly went on my way never to see her again or the baby. 9 and a
half months later I got a letter from her. She had had the baby earlier
that month. It was a little girl. She named the baby Isabel. That’s
all the letter had on it. I went back to search for the child, but
I couldn't find her anywhere.”

“How come
you never told me?”

“ I didn't
want you to think that I had abandoned her like you think I abandoned
you. Son. Aladdin, my last wish is for you to find your little sister
for my sake.” He paused “and for yours.” He continued. 

“ I.....I will
try my best.”

Cassim slept.
Aladdin walked out of the room in a daze. He explained everything to

“ That’s so
sad.” She responded . “We'll..... you should go to Gedzestan ......tomorrow.
I'll stay here and take care of should take Genie with you....He
will be great help.’ 

“ I don't know

“ Dear...This little
girl could be orphaned or dead for all we know. Your father may not
have much time left. At least try. Your father needs closure. If you
find nothing that you can leave it alone, but you should try.” Jasmine

Aladdin agreed. “We'll go first thing in the morning.” 

That night
Aladdin spoke to his father again. 

“What are the
odds of finding a 3 year old girl named Isabel that is related to us?
There must be hundreds of girls with that name. ” Aladdin assumed. 

“Aladdin.... that
name is not very common. I'd say the chances will be good.”

“Well...I’m gonna
try anyways... I am leaving tomorrow morning.”  

“That’s my boy...
perseverance runs in the family you know.” Cassim said, his voice growing
weaker by the minute. 

Aladdin smiled
at his father. He was going to try his best to make his father happy
during his last few days.  

That night while
in peaceful repose he had a very vivid, lifelike dream.  


He was was in a different place. He looked around and noticed how familiar
it was. Aladdin was in Gedzestan. He started walking around wondering
how he got there, when in the distance her a soft child's cry. They were
tears of loneliness. Tears he had shed when he was a little boy, with
no one around to tuck him in or sing lullabies to him. He knew this
cry all too well. He turned the corner and spotted a little girl in
the corner crying and alone. He approached the girl and knelt down to
her level. 

“What’s wrong?” Asked Aladdin tenderly.

“ I'm all alone. My mommy and daddy left me and I'm scared.” 

He just hugged the little girl and held her closely.

“Shhh.....don't cry.” He said as he stroked the child’s soft black hair.
“You're not alone and you never will be again Isabel.” 

“How did you know my name?” She asked with childhood innocence in her

“ Because I am your brother.”   

*end dream* 

He woke up startled. He tried to dismiss it as just a dream, but if
felt more real than that. It was till dark out so he tried and slowly
fell back asleep.  

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Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Search

Chapter 2: The Search 

It was early the next morning when Aladdin said farewell to his father then his sleeping wife. He kissed Jasmine on the forehead than he and Genie departed on carpet not knowing what they would find in Gedzestan. 

In Gedzestan He and Genie looked in all of the possible places, well almost
all it seemed. They even asked people. Some looked at them oddly while
others tried to help, but had never heard of the child.  

you tried the orphanage.” A man suggested. “It’s a long shot, but it’s
worth a shot.” 

we haven't checked there yet.....Thanks.” Aladdin said.  

on Unsolved Mysteries of the Middle East.” Said Genie mimicking a host
of a crime reality show. “Aladdin’s sister mysteriously vanishes” 

this is no time to joke...We’re getting closer I can feel it.” Said Aladdin. 

ask for directions to the orphanage and head there. Inside was a small
room with a table and a few chairs. There was a woman sitting at the
table filling out documents. They entered.

I help you?” The woman kindly asked. 

looking for al little girl.” 

you're going to have to fill these papers out.” 

to adopt. We have been looking for this girl all day. Her name is Isabel. 

do have a girl by the name of Isabel.” She said. 

eyes widened as if they opened an envelope and a gazillion dollars popped

10 years old with blonde hair and blue eyes.” The woman informed them. 

excited faces turned numb.

not the child we were looking for. Thanks anyways.” Aladdin said as
he almost lost all hope. “Here I think you could use this.” He said
as he pulled out a bag of money. He gave it to the woman. 

you kind sir. You are an angel sent from above.” 

mention it.” He said modestly.

did they know that this outcome would change. They were ready to leave.
They walked out. It was dark and cold.

we tried. She’s probably long gone, in another town or something. Let’s
go before it gets any colder.” Aladdin somberly spoke. Just then, at
that very moment he heard a soft cry, like in his dream, only this time
it was dark out. He knew that it probably wouldn't be her, but he wouldn't
feel right if he had just left it. He turned the corner just to check
it out. It was there when he saw this little girl. She sat on some steps,
shivering and crying. 

thing.” He whispered to himself as he approached the child. Genie stayed
by Carpet. He knelt down to her level. 

the matter honey?” He asked her. 

“I fell
and hurt my arm and it’s cold out here.” She cried. 

can you give us a blanket?” Al requested. Genie made a blanket appear
in Aladdin’s arms. He wrapped the child up in the blanket.

you have a mommy or a daddy?”

shook her head no. 

“All right
then...what’s your name dear?” 


He knew
that this was the girl when she had said her name. She was about 3,
with black hair and brown eyes; it just didn't dawn on him until he
heard her name. Than he began to see how much they looked alike. Aladdin
picked the child up. 

arm” She said with a soft cry following. 

“I know
sweetheart. As soon as we get back to my place we'll have someone take
a look at it.” Aladdin said while stroking her hair. He held her closely
as they departed for Agrabah. She had fallen asleep on the way. When
he got back to Agrabah Jasmine was waiting for him. 

my... Aladdin what happened?” Asked Jasmine concerned when she saw the
dirty beat up child. 

“I think
this is her. I found her cold, orphaned, and hurt.”  

poor thing.” Said Jasmine as she stroked the child’s cheek. 

is my father?”

a fighter. Still hanging in there. “  

child became agitated in Aladdin’s arms. 

Cried Isabel. 

I should take a look at that arm.” Genie suggested.

carried Isabel upstairs to his room and sat her on the bed. Genie took
a look at her arm. He gave her an x-ray as tears streamed down her face. 

“I have
good news. Nothing is broken. Your arm is just bruised. It’s nothing
that a little care won't fix.” Genie said as he put her arm in a sling,.
“Meanwhile, here’s something for the pain.”  

drank a purple liquid. 


“I know
but it will make you feel batter.” Aladdin reassured her. 

joined them. 

is she?” She asked 

be all right.” Genie confirmed. “Nothing to worry about.” 

because Cassim wants to see her.” Declared Jasmine. 

honey, a nice man wants to meet you. Don't be scared.” Aladdin said

He carried
Isabel to his fathers room to see the man that longed to be with her
for 3 years.  

opened his eyes to see Isabel standing next to Aladdin. He knew right
when he saw her that this was the daughter ha had longed to see, the
daughter that he longed to hold in his arms. 

honey, I have been waiting for this moment ever since you were born.
Do you know who I am?” 

She timidly
shook her head no. 

“ Honey,
I am your daddy, and the nice man next to you is your big brother Aladdin.” 

gently nudged her forward towards Cassim.  

be afraid dear.” Aladdin said encouraging Isabel. 

you sick?” Isabel asked him in the sweetest voice. 

“Yes Isabel
I am. That is why I had to see you Isabel. Everything’s all right now.”
Cassim reassured the little girl. He lovingly stroked her smudged cheek. 

“If you
are my daddy, then why did you leave me?” She innocently questioned.  

broke Cassim’s heart and almost made him feel guilty for not being in
her life. Aladdin just stood there, but he felt for her. He knew Isabel’s

“I didn't
want to , believe me. Your mother wouldn't let me in your life.” He
paused to take a breath. “ I loved you very much and I still do.” He

saw Cassim growing weaker. 

sweetheart lets get you cleaned up. You can come back after you get
a bath and before you go to bed.” Said Aladdin 

She grabbed
his hand. She just stared at Cassim with sad eyes until they were out
of the room. 

gave Isabel a bath. After she got all cleaned up and ready for bed Aladdin
took her back to see Cassim so Cassim could wish her good night. Then
it was to bed with Isabel.  

“ 'laddin....thank
you. “ Isabel tiredly muttered. 

“For what?” 

me here.”  

you don't have to thank me for that. “ He softly responded. He knelt
beside the bed.  

“ 'laddin
I love you.” Whispered Isabel followed by a yawn. 

He almost
cried. He felt so connected to the girl, like he had known her forever.
Is there a special connection that some siblings have? He kissed her
softly on her cheek as she fell asleep. 


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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Morning of Mourning

Chapter 3: The Morning of

a few days it seemed that Cassim was getting better. He even got up
and did things. With two weeks time He and Isabel had become so close.
She even called him daddy now. One night Aladdin noticed that Isabel
was not in her room. It was getting past her bedtime. Aladdin figured
that she must still be with Cassim. Well she was in fact with Cassim.
When Aladdin entered Cassim’s room he noticed bags on the bed. Isabel
was asleep beside them. Cassim was packing for some reason. 

are you doing?” Asked Aladdin accusingly.

“ I am
well now Aladdin, haven't you noticed? It’s back to my life. Isabel
and I are leaving tonight.” Stated the persistent Cassim. 

“ You
can't, father. You may feel all right now, but the second you leave things
will change and besides don't you think Isabel should have a home and
not to keep jumping around from town to town, desert to desert?” Asked
Aladdin hoping for a change of heart from his old man. 

slowly began to wake up. 

“ Son,
you know I love you, but I have my life--” He collapsed to the ground. 

Screamed Isabel.

slowly helped his father get to the bed. 

“ See what
I mean father? You can't leave. If you do I'll have no choice to send
the guards after you.” Threatened Aladdin. 

“ What
choice do I have?” Cassim asked himself. 

“All right
Isabel, it’s time for bed.” Doted Aladdin 

“ But,
I want to stay with daddy!” Cried Isabel, giving Aladdin the puppy dog

“Aw, my
heart is breaking” Joked Aladdin.  

“ Come here
muffin” Called Cassim in a soft voice. 

approached her father. 

“ Baby...I’m
not getting better like I thought, so you must be a good little girl
and listen to your brother, because if anything happens to me he'll
be responsible for you, so listen to him darling because he loves you
and only wants what’s best for you.” Spoke Cassim.

“ Okay daddy.”
She said with objection. She didn't like it but she would do it. 

tucked her in her bed. 

“ 'Laddin,.
Is daddy going to die?” Asked Isabel with her voice trembling.

“ He’s sick,
but I don't think he'll die. Don't worry darling.. Now, go to sleep.”
He kindly ordered. He tickled her just so he could hear that soft giggle
that he loved. “ Goodnight.”  

he went back to talk to his father. Jasmine was in there with Cassim
patting his forehead with a damp cloth. Cassim struggled to open his
mouth to talk. 

“ Aladdin...sorry
for what I said. I should have asked you if you would take care of Isabel
when I go.”  

“ Father
you know I would, so you had no need to ask me.” 

“I'm so
happy to hear you say that. Now I can be at peace knowing that my two
children are together.” Cassim happily spoke. 

“ Father.
Don't talk like that. You will live through this.” Cried Aladdin. He
was in denial that his father was going to die. 

Cassim started
to breath awkwardly. 

“ Dad... Genie!!
Jasmine get Genie quick!” 

darted out of the room in disarray.  

“ No father...don’t
die on me.” Whispered Aladdin to himself..

had waken up because her room was across the hall and Aladdin had hollered
for Genie. It was loud and woke her up. 

“ Daddy.”
She cried. Isabel stood at the back of the room frightened. 

hurried back. She stood beside Isabel. Isabel was scared so she ran
into Jasmines arms. 

There was
nothing much Genie could do, but Cassim’s breathing became a little
normal just enough for him to say his last words. 

“ I love
you Aladdin. Tell Isabel that she’s my little princess and I love her.
Take care of her.” He said nothing after that, for he had passed on. 

“ Father.”
Cried Aladdin, his voice being shaky. 

“ He’s gone.”
Genie sadly informed everyone.  

“ Nooooooo!!!”
Cried Isabel. 

Jasmine tried
to comfort her. 

“ Daddy.... Put
me down!!! Put me down!!! I want to be with my daddy!!” Bawled Isabel. 

get her out of here” Aladdin calmly commanded. 

“ Shhhh... it’s
all right sweetie.” Comforted Jasmine as she carried her out of the room.
Aladdin stayed behind and cried. Genie tried to comfort him. The sun
was almost up.  

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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: She Ain't Heavy, She’s My Sister

Chapter 4: She Ain't Heavy,
She’s My Sister  

Isabel had
sat on her bed quiet. Jasmine had calmed her down as best as she could. 

“ Is there
anything you want honey? Something to eat, a glass of milk?” Jasmine

“ I want 'Laddin”
Her innocent voice responded. 

“All right sweetie.
I'll go get him.”

Jasmine went
to fetch Aladdin. Isabel lied down and started to weep. Aladdin slowly
approached the girl. 

“ Hey..” He softly
spoke. He sat beside her. She got up and moved closer to him. He embraced
her. “ Shhhh.... Everything will be all right, you’ll see.” 

“ I want daddy.”
She whimpered. 

“ I know you
do darling, I do too.” He kissed her then continued. “ It'll hurt for
a while.” 

“ When will it
stop hurting?”  

“ Soon baby....soon
I promise.” He somberly, yet dotingly said as he wiped the tears from
her big brown eyes.

He held her
for a few moments. Her head rested on his shoulder as he stroked her

“ I love you
so much Isabel.” 

After Isabel
had calmed down she fell asleep. Aladdin joined Genie and Jasmine in
His father’s room. 

“ How is Isabel?”
Jasmine asked concerned. 

“ She'll be
all right. She’s asleep which is a good thing.” Aladdin muttered as he
collapsed on the chair. He was tired. He was tired of crying and he
was tired of mourning. He was slowly accepting that his father was gone. 

“Poor Isabel.
She’s been taking it harder than anyone else.” Mentioned Jasmine. 

“ Well, she’s
only 3. She doesn't know how to handle these matters yet .” Aladdin
Replied. “ Someone’s got to inform Iago somehow.” 

“ If we can
find him. Remember he chose to keep going. Cassim encouraged him to.”
Genie remembered. 

went to her husband. 

“ It'll be
all right.” Jasmine said as she wrapped her arms around Aladdin. “We'll
all get through this together.”




Well. I hope you liked it.
This is my first complete Aladdin Fan Fiction. Please go easy on me.
It’s probably too long and sappy, with too many words like “dear” and
“honey”. I know a brother wouldn't normally call his sister those, but
in this case I think it could work, considering the age difference and
all. I probably could have added more Genie humor, but for me it is
difficult to write comedy, because I am so used to writing tragedies
and dramas. At least it included Genie, originally I wasn't going to
include him. I also didn't want to stray from the plot. Well I hope
you liked it. Maybe there will be a sequel. It depends on how this one


Written January 2003 


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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

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