Site Info
We are the home of 167 authors from among our 746 members. There have been 2011 reviews written about our 530 stories. A special welcome to our newest member, Disneygirl19.
Penname: StarsSlug [Contact] Real name: Anna
Member Since: 01/25/10
Currently in my first year of training as a marine biologist, I fondly remember the Aladdin series as easily the best written (and often nicely animated) Saturday morning cartoon of my childhood. When not studying (and partying) hard, revisiting the series is a great way to unwind, and fuel for many a fanfic .

My true love is the invertebrates: animals without backbones, a diverse group represented by slugs, snails, spiders, scorpions, insects, starfish, and octopus. (It also includes any animal that isn't a bird, reptile, mammal, fish or amphibian.) I hope in particular to specialize in the cephalopods, in particular the freakishly intelligent octopuses. (Not Octopi: the word derives from Greek, not Latin.)

Plants are also a passion: I share my university room with 6 orchids, a leopard lilly, a cactus, a dragon tree, and a voodoo lilly. (An awesome flower that smells of poop and rotten meat when in bloom.)

Feel free to contact me, or review: I'll try to always be friendly, and available for a chat.
Beta-reader: Yes
Membership status: Member
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