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We are the home of 167 authors from among our 746 members. There have been 2011 reviews written about our 530 stories. A special welcome to our newest member, Disneygirl19.
Reviews For S.O.S
Reviewer: Calluna Signed Date: 09/18/06 - 11:54PM Title: Chapter 1

I just deleted a flame you posted on the fic by the author Antichrissy. I first read that fic back in 1999 and it was signed with that penname and it has been hosted on my site since 2000 or 2001; the reason you haven't seen it is that it wasn't moved over to the new php version of the library until just recently. I haven't even spoken to that author since I asked for her permission to host it here back then and I no longer have her contact info.

Long story short, the name's been around on the internet a lot longer than Starz has; it has nothing to do with her. It was incredibly rude of you to flame this other author without even trying to find out where the name came from, did you think she was the only Chrissy on the entire internet? You are on thin ice with me already due to the rude emails you sent to me about fic approvals and if I see you acting this way again I am deleting your fics here and banning you.

I am leaving this as a comment because you still have not gotten a working email address, something I told you was absolutely necissary to have your fics hosted here.

Author's Response: FYI Calluna, I HAVE A WORKING EMAIL ADDRESS!!!! So please, do me and your self a favor and GET OFF MY BACK!!! Thanks;) Crystal

Reviewer: Calluna Signed Date: 07/23/06 - 11:04PM Title: Chapter 1

Since all my emails to you keep bouncing and this seems to be the only way to reach you...

Stop sending me rude emails about your chapters not being approved yet. I do have a life and I have to approve these all by hand. If I get another rude email about "my goddamned story" you won't be hosting it here any longer.

Author's Response: Hey, u right. I am sorry for my rude comments, but I get impatient some times, and it gets the best of me. I promise I won\'t write you any more mean things, had i known you were a person checking them by your self. plus my mom grounded me for cussing.

Reviewer: Desertbloom92 Anonymous Date: 07/19/06 - 08:08PM Title: Chapter 1

wow.this you leave me wondering of whats next .plz dont take a million years for the nxt update ;),I like the plot , its very intresting . ant wait till the nxt chapter im ganna be right hear!


Author's Response: No worrys! The next chapter iz comen, n i hope ya like!!

Reviewer: Soohe Anonymous Date: 07/18/06 - 02:30PM Title: Chapter 1

mmm...i like the beginning. you've left me wondering what will happen next!

Author's Response: Thanks! I promise the next chapter is gonna be juicier than the first!