Jeweled Entrapment by MysticMeg

Summary: Cassim and Iago let free an evil sorcerer who was trapped hundreds of years ago. Now, Aladdin, Jasmine, and the rest of the gang must find a way to save Agrabah... and the rest of the seven deserts. I should add at least one chapter until it's finished... I shouldn't leave you hanging for too long!!! ~Meg REVIEWS ARE APPRECIATED PEOPLE!!!!
Rating: PG starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Aladdin
Characters: Rajah, Original Characters, Abu, Aladdin, Carpet, Cassim, Genie, Iago, Jasmine, Rasoul, Sultan
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Published: 01/30/05
Updated: 04/01/05


Chapter 1: Chapter 1 HONEYMOON'S OVER
Chapter 2: Chapter 2 THINGS ARE NEVER EASY
Chapter 3: Chapter 3 ON TOWARDS THE TEMPLE
Chapter 4: Chapter 4 THE ARRIVAL
Chapter 6: Chapter 6 FREEDOM
Chapter 8: Chapter 8 THE FIRST ESCAPE
Chapter 9: Chapter 9 THE WARNING
Chapter 10: Chapter 10 MISSING
Chapter 11: Chapter 11 SPILLING THE STORY
Chapter 12: Chapter 12 INTRODUCTIONS
Chapter 13: Chapter 13 TRAPPED
Chapter 14: Chapter 14 THE ATTEMPTED RESCUE
Chapter 15: Chapter 15 NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE
Chapter 16: Chapter 16 GET RAJAH
Chapter 17: Chapter 17 ROCKSLIDE
Chapter 18: Chapter 18 ALL BOARDING FLIGHT 101: OUT OF HERE
Chapter 19: Chapter 19 BACK TO AGRABAH
Chapter 20: Chapter 20 A PLAN UNFOLDS
Chapter 21: Chapter 21 A PLAN'S DESTROYED
Chapter 22: Chapter 22 RETREAT
Chapter 23: Chapter 23 MISSING GEM
Chapter 25: Chapter 25 AN EFFORTLESS RESCUE
Chapter 26: Chapter 26 RELUCTANT MONKEY-BOY
Chapter 27: Chapter 27 JEWELED ENTRAPMENT
Chapter 28: Chapter 28 THE END

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 HONEYMOON'S OVER

Chapter 1

The sun was blazing high in the sky over the grand city of Agrabah. Its rays scorched the streets, which kept the merchants and citizens hiding in the shadows. There was little noise, due to the fact that everybody was to irritable for conversation. Not even the children or animals wanted to play, which was rare in Agrabah.
In the palace at the head of the city, the mood was not much better. Guards stood at their posts, grunting at anyone who passed. Servants went about their daily chores, but did not join in on their day conversation or palace gossip.
Jasmine made her way down one of the palace’s many hallways. She carried with her a large silver tray of fruit and bread. She walked to a set of massive closed doors, and dismissed the servants with a wave of her hand. Balancing the tray with one hand, she used the other to open one of the doors and peered inside.
Aladdin sat at a large desk, shuffling through an unorganized pile of scrolls. His hair was muffled harshly, and he looked exhausted.
Jasmine snuck inside and placed the tray of food on a wooden table. She proceeded up the steps to the desk and her shadow ran across Aladdin’s hands.
Aladdin noticed a presence and looked up. “Jasmine!” he exclaimed in shock. He hit the pile of scrolls and a few fell to the floor around the desk.
Jasmine giggled and bent over to pick them up. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Aladdin ran his fingers through his fluffy black hair. “You didn’t scare me, I just didn’t hear you come in.”
Jasmine opened one of the scrolls she had picked up and examined it. A detailed map was drawn on the inside with different points circled in red. She traced the lines with her fingers, and frowned. “Father has you going over the trade routes, doesn’t he?”
Aladdin sighed, and took the scrolls from her. He placed them on top of the pile again. “Not exactly, he has me organizing the trade routes.”
“Why?” she asked, picking a few others up and looking through them. “Some of these we don’t even use anymore, why would he want to keep them?”
“He doesn’t, that’s the trash pile Jasmine.”
Jasmine grinned, “How can you tell? Both piles are mixed up on the desk, how are you keeping them organized.”
Aladdin laughed a little, “Because this whole desk is the trash pile. That behind me is the ones that we have to keep.” He pointed behind him to a small table where just a couple scrolls were left.
“Oh,” Jasmine said sheepishly. “Well, it’s been years since anyone has gone through these things. I was just a little girl the last time I heard of anyone updating them.”
“Lucky me,” Aladdin mumbled.
Jasmine put down the scrolls in her hands and looked over at her husband. He was tired, she could tell that much. “How long have you been working on these?”
Aladdin shrugged, “Since breakfast.”
Jasmine looked at him surprised, “Well, that isn’t very long.”
“Since breakfast… yesterday.”
Jasmine began to laugh, “Oh, that explains why you came to bed so late last night.”
Aladdin frowned, “And why I didn’t see you this morning.”
Jasmine stopped laughing, “Aladdin, if it’s to much, I can always help you.” Jasmine offered as she picked up another scroll from the “unfinished” pile on the floor next to the desk.
Aladdin shook his head, “No, your father expects me to able to do this sort of stuff. How would I look if I told him that I needed help with such a simple task?”
“It may be simple, but it’s time consuming. Father would understand that you’re just not used to this stuff quite yet. Please, let me help.”
Aladdin again shook his head, “It’s alright. I should be done today, but next time, I’ll avoid these tasks if I can.”
Jasmine came up behind him and kissed him on the cheek, “It’ll be alright. I promise, the life of a prince isn’t always this… boring.”
Aladdin sighed, “I guess it’s worth it, I mean… I guess this comes as a package deal with marrying you.”
“That’s right, but guess what also comes with marrying me,” Jasmine took his hands and made him stand up. She began to point to the tray of food that she had carried in earlier, but stopped. The tray was moving across the floor towards the slightly open doors.
Aladdin laughed, “I think that our library is haunted.”
Jasmine put her hands on her hips, “Abu! Bring that back here right now!”
Abu stopped for a few seconds before he quickened his pace and bolted out of the doors. Jasmine and Aladdin followed and came out just in time to see Abu heading down the corridor. “Stop you little thief, that was my food!” Aladdin called out jokingly.
Abu kept running, and turned around to see how much of an advantage he had over his friend and the princess. Suddenly, something large stepped right in front of him and he tumbled to the ground.
Genie caught the tray before it hit the ground, “Well, what have we got here?”
Abu looked up sheepishly, and smiled. Aladdin and Jasmine ran up to Genie and stopped. Jasmine took the tray from Genie and glared down on Abu. “Abu, you should well know by now that you don’t have to steal from people. The kitchen is always open to you.”
“Aw Jasmine, it’s alright. He probably just got lost,” Aladdin laughed as he picked Abu up and placed him on his shoulder.
“He’s right Jas, this place is like trying to find a cowboy at a rap concert,” Genie defended. Jasmine glared at them all, and they laughed sheepishly.
“You’ll get used to it, trust me.”
Aladdin scoffed, “Abu will get used to the idea that he doesn’t have to steal to survive.”
“Yeah, especially now that Iago isn’t around to help him along,” Genie joked, holding a picture of the scarlet parrot. Abu looked at the picture and screeched sadly. Genie allowed the monkey to take the picture and look at it.
Aladdin looked at is monkey friend and sighed, “I know little buddy, I miss him too.”
“I wonder what they are up to right now?” Jasmine asked, “We haven’t heard from Cassim since the wedding.”
“I doubt we will Jasmine,” Aladdin replied, “it’s not safe for him to come back to Agrabah.”
Jasmine nodded, “Well, I got to get back to father. We’re supposed to go over some ideas for the new orphanage going up in the city.”
Genie appeared in a white robe, “Well, aren’t we just the good Samaritan?”
Jasmine and Aladdin laughed. “It’s about time we get a new orphanage, we don’t need kids running around the city alone,” Aladdin directed. Aladdin noticed the stares he got, “Well, I got to get back to work if I want to get done by dinner.” He kissed Jasmine, and took the tray from her hands, then took off down the hallway.
“I sure hope he does come back, I think that it would be good for him,” Jasmine said softly.
Genie nodded, “Yeah, and it would help if Cassim came back for Al. Then both he and Abu would be happier”
Jasmine laughed softly, and rolled her eyes.

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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 THINGS ARE NEVER EASY

Chapter 2

“Cassim, where do we keep the old treasure scrolls?” Iago asked as he rummaged through a large wooden chest. He continued to throw the items out of the chest, unaware of where they were landing.
Cassim came up behind the little bird, and dodged a large mirror that Iago was throwing out from behind him. Cassim watched as it smashed to the ground, “That’s seven years bad luck little friend.”
Iago stopped searching for a moment and turned around, “Do you think I actually believe in that stuff? Now, I am looking for the old treasure scrolls, where did you leave them last?”
Cassim shrugged, “They are probably over there in that chest that says “Treasure Scrolls”. Just a thought.”
“Yeah, well… how’s a guy supposed to find anything in this bear cave?” Iago grumbled as he made his way over to the other chest and threw open the lid. He began to pull out scroll after scroll. He looked at them, before throwing them out after he realized that it was not the one he was looking for.
Cassim followed, “What exactly are you looking for?” He picked up one of the scrolls and looked at it, then smiled. “I remember going after this treasure, but it was no more than a wild-goose chase. Good times though.”
Iago rolled his eyes, “I’m not going through these to start a trip down memory lane. I’m looking for a specific treasure.”
“There are few that me and my men didn’t go after, but most of these scrolls in here have already been followed out. What are you looking for?”
Iago stopped, “The Treasure of Kinocks.”
Cassim began to laugh, “The Treasure of Kinocks? Come on little one, even I know that that treasure never existed!”
“It does exist,” Iago returned as he again started searching through the scrolls, “I know it because even Jafar wanted to go after it.”
Cassim shook his head, “We just got back to the layer, and you already want to go on a treasure hunt?”
“We’ve been back at the layer of the forty thieves for nearly two weeks now, and I’m going crazy! You may have had your fill of treasure hunting, but when I was with the kid, I never got to go after treasure. We were always busy fighting monsters or rescuing the city, which was BORING!” Iago replied. “No, I’m ready for a treasure hunt, something worth giving your life for.”
Cassim sighed, “Aladdin was a hero, he knew what a real treasure was, and it wasn’t something that you could hold in your hand.”
Iago rolled his eyes, “Don’t you go getting sappy on me Cassim, that’s the reason I’m not with Al anymore.”
Cassim laughed, “You could have learned a lot from Aladdin, if you weren’t so stubborn.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, that stuff is for the pigeons.” Iago reached far down and pulled out a scroll. He opened it and scanned the writing. “I found it!”
Cassim came over and read the scroll to himself, “Well, so you did. Now what?”
“Now what?! What do you expect, let’s go get it!” Iago yelled.
“Alright, alright, but after that, I want to go back to Agrabah. I need to see Aladdin again,” Cassim replied, still reading the scroll.
Iago’s jaw dropped, “You’re a wanted man in Agrabah. If you step one foot in that city you’ll be in the dungeon forever!”
“Well, then it’s good for you that we’re getting the treasure first.”
Iago perched on Cassim’s shoulder, “You are way to confident for your own good, you know that?”
Cassim nodded, “Well… I got away once, what’s going to stop me this time?” Cassim rolled up the scroll and jumped back down into the little crevice of the layer. He made his way back to his chambers, and lit the torch. Iago flew over to his tiny perch and sat down.
Cassim went to his desk and began to map out a plan for the treasure, “You’re lucky this is such a tiny mission, bird, or we wouldn’t be doing this at all.”
Iago chuckled, “If there’s anything that I learned when I was with your son, it’s that if you think that a mission is going to be tiny, or easy… it never is.”

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 ON TOWARDS THE TEMPLE

Chapter 3

“Cassim, wake up!” Iago screeched into the slumbering thief’s ear. Cassim stirred slightly before he smacked Iago in the beak. Iago screeched and flew back off of the bed. “That was uncalled for!”
Cassim smiled, “Wake me up again like that and you’ll see uncalled for.”
Iago scoffed, “Well, sunshine, we need to get started. If we don’t head out soon, we won’t get to the temple before sundown tomorrow.” Iago perched on the bed’s headboard above Cassim’s face. “Now get up, down some java, and let’s get out of here.”
“We loaded up the horse last night, there’s no reason that we need to get up so early,” Cassim mumbled as he rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes.
“Early? Early?! The sun’s been up for nearly three hours now! We need to go!” Iago squawked as he flew out of the room.
Cassim sat up and groaned. He picked himself up and stumbled over to his clothing chest and opened it. He threw his navy blue shirt and cape on over his pants and looked in the mirror on the wall. He smoothed back his gray and black hair and smiled. “Now there’s the rogue of the desert that I remember.”
“Ahem, do you and the mirror need some alone time?” Iago asked as he floated at the entrance of the room.
Cassim laughed nervously, “No little one, I’m just getting ready for the journey. I’m not as young as I used to be when I went on these little adventures.”
“Okay, first of all… stop calling it little! You’re going to jinx us. And second of all, you call me “little one” again, you’ll get a mouth full of feathers!” Iago threatened.
Cassim laughed, “Don’t tempt me bird, I’ve heard parrot soup is actually quite good.”
Iago gulped and backed away a little, “You wouldn’t eat a friend, would you?”
“Of course not, I’m just having a little fun,” Cassim retuned with a laugh.
Iago sighed, “Good. Now, are you ready to go?”
Cassim nodded, “The sooner we get this treasure of yours, the sooner we can get back to Agrabah.”
“You’re still planning on going back?” Iago asked as he followed Cassim out of the layer.
“Of course, I don’t go back on my plans,” Cassim replied. He led Iago to the stables and pulled out his chocolate colored horse. He fed the horse a carrot and then boarded on it’s back. He checked to make sure his packs were secured tightly, and then he kicked and horse headed out the secret exit of the layer that didn’t require the splitting of the sea.
“Cassim, if you go back, they’ll put you away for life. That’s it, plain and simple. No more adventures, no more stories, no more freedom!” Iago said, almost pleadingly.
“My son is worth it. I am not arguing with you on this. You do not have to come with me if you do not want to.”
Iago sighed, “Like I’m going to let you go alone. Plus, seeing the little flea-bitten monkey wouldn’t be *that* bad.”
Cassim laughed, “I knew you missed him.”
“I don’t miss him! I just think it would be nice to see him, and that’s only because you were planning on going to Agrabah anyway!”
Cassim smiled, “Alright, but first let’s get our treasure!”
Iago smirked, “Finally, one adventure that ends in mullah, and doesn’t require monsters!”
Cassim’s horse neighed and took out over the cliffs, the crystal blue see splashing up against the rocky walls. The sun blazing, and the birds flying. Cassim knew it would be a peaceful trip to the temple.

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Chapter 4: Chapter 4 THE ARRIVAL

Chapter 4

The trip to the temple was peaceful, as Cassim had planned it would be. They had been on route of the temple for nearly a day now, but Cassim considered this a short trip. The sun was still blazing above him and his scarlet friend, so he kept his cape held tight around him to keep the burn away. His hood stayed up, and Iago perched on the horses neck in his shadow and used it to keep him cool.
“Are we there yet?” Iago whine shrilly as they started up a sharp incline in the cliff.
“Why are you complaining, the horse is the one doing all the work,” Cassim stifled back as he ran his hand across the horse’s side.
“Yeah, but that’s what they’re made for! I am not made to be roasted!” Iago squawked back.
Cassim just laughed, “That one is too easy.”
Iago mumbled to himself incoherently and turned back around. A sign was sticking up out of one the rocks with a picture of a temple chiseled on to it. An arrow pointing up the mountain was underneath it, and it made Iago cry out in delight.
“We’re almost there!”
Cassim nodded, “Yes, just like the scroll said we were.” He unraveled the scroll and looked at it again. “I must admit little friend, you picked a great treasure for us.”
Iago beamed, “I have skills when it comes to finding jewels an riches.” He took the scroll from Cassim and examined it closely, “Kinocks. He was supposedly this great king thousands of years ago.”
“*Supposedly* is the key word there. They have found no historical evidence that he ever existed. There is said to be a great treasure in this temple of his, but the temple was never found,” Cassim filled Iago in on the legend.
“Then where did this map come from? And why is there a sign leading us to it?”
Cassim shrugged, “I got it from a merchant in a town that I met in a town the men and I raided. I just kind of shrugged it off as a myth, never gave much thought to it.”
“But isn’t there others out there that have tried for this treasure?” Iago asked.
Cassim nodded, “Yes, but the temple is hidden somewhere in the rocks. That‘s why the sign is there. It is in the rocks at the top of the cliff.” He took the scroll back from Iago and pointed to a strange picture on the corner, “You see that marking there.”
Iago nodded.
“That’s going to be on a stone somewhere near the top. Once we find this stoned marking, we’ll have found the entrance.”
“Oh, so we’re the only ones smart enough to look for hieroglyphics. Some people amaze me,” Iago whispered.
Cassim kicked his horse who sped up around the mountain. Within the hour they were at the top of the cliff. Cassim jumped off of his horse and looked around. Iago flew behind and examined the rocks.
Cassim stretched then began to search the rocks for the strange symbol. He fumbled around, looking in every crevice, but he could not find it.
Iago flew up higher and looked under and all around every little pebble. Finally, he began to get tired and the sun was beginning to go down. “Cassim, we’ve been at this for hours! The marking isn’t here!”
“Just a while longer little friend, I know it must be here somewhere!” Cassim yelled back as he headed down a little farther.
“I think that you may have been gypped by this merchant here Cassim,” Iago yelled down to him as he began looking at the scroll.
Cassim smiled to himself, “No little one, it must be here somewhere. I didn’t come all this way just to give up now!”
Iago became flustered and he dropped down to the ground. Picking up a large rock, “I thought I told you not to call me “little one”!” He threw the rock down towards Cassim who stood in a crevice.
Cassim laughed, and easily dodged it, backing up a little. “You’ll have to do better than that to hit the-.” The rocks under Cassim’s foot slipped and he fell back, landing hard on a few rocks behind him. Cassim was about to get up, when he felt the rocks lurch back behind him. He stood up quickly and turned around. The rocks moved to the side, and a entrance to a stone passageway appeared.
Iago came over, “Hey Cassim, are you al- WHOA BABY! You found it!” He flew down and perched on Cassim’s shoulder, and smiled at him.
Cassim smiled back and picked up a large stick. “Are you ready to go get your treasure?”
Iago nodded furiously, his mouth wide open, and watched as Cassim lit the stick on fire with the flint in his sash. They then proceeded down into the tiny little passageway, Iago almost bursting with glee.

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Chapter 5

“Al, watch out!” Genie called as he zoomed on his “turbo roller skates.” It was too late, Aladdin turned around just in time to see Genie smash into him and they both went flying into the corner wall.
Genie fell backwards and Aladdin fell right after him. Jasmine, who had been walking with Aladdin at the time, ran down the hallway to where they had crashed. She grabbed Aladdin’s arm and helped him up, “Aladdin, are you alright?”
Aladdin rubbed his head, “Yeah, I’m fine Jasmine.” He then turned to Genie who was still lying on the floor, bandages around his head and arms. “Genie, what were you thinking? You could have hurt someone!”
Genie transformed to his normal self and began tracing invisible circles on the floor with his foot childishly, “Aw, Carpet and I were just having a little fun.” Carpet snuck up behind them, but kept his distance. Aladdin turned to look at him, “Fun? You call smashing people into walls fun?”
Genie frowned, “That wasn’t really the point of the game, but yeah-.”
“Aladdin, it was an accident, Genie and Carpet were just finding ways to entertain themselves,” Jasmine defended as she grabbed Aladdin’s arm once again.
Aladdin sighed, “I know. It’s just that they shouldn’t-.”
Genie transformed into a small puppy and looked up at the couple with huge eyes.
Aladdin smiled, “Oh, alright. Just be more careful you two.” Genie transformed to his normal self, and smiled huge.
“Alright rug-man, now let’s see who can make the biggest rocket explosion!” Carpet gave him a high-five and they raced down the hallway.
Aladdin thought for a moment, “What? Rocket explosion?! Hey, you two-.”
Jasmine laughed, “Aladdin, it’ll be alright. Genie won’t let anything bad happen.”
“On purpose. Genie won’t let anything bad happen *on purpose*.” Aladdin finished.
Jasmine smiled, “So, what are we going to do today?”
“You mean, except baby-sit those two?” Aladdin joked.
“No, I mean, just the two of us. We’ve both been so busy these past few days, I figured that today could just be for… us.” Jasmine suggested softly.
Aladdin smiled and ran his fingers through his hair, “You’re right, how about we just spend the whole day in the gardens, or our room. Somewhere no one else will bother us.”
“I don’t think there is such a place anymore,” Jasmine whispered.
Aladdin sighed, “I am starting to think it was better when I was protecting Agrabah from monsters and sorcerers, at least then I could get out of the palace.”
“Don’t say that! It’s been peaceful since the wedding, the last thing we need right now is an attack on our city!” Jasmine demanded sternly.
Aladdin backed away, “Jasmine, I was joking.”
“It wasn’t funny.”
Aladdin pulled her close to him and kissed her on the cheek, “I’m sorry.”
Jasmine tried to stay mad, but she couldn’t. “You’re worse than Genie.”
Aladdin smiled, “What can I say? But I was only joking. I would rather be here safe in the palace rather than out there fighting something or someone, knowing I might not come home.”
“Enjoy the peace Aladdin, you deserve it,” Jasmine cooed.
“Don’t jinx it Jasmine, if we start enjoying it to much, it won’t last much longer,” Aladdin warned.
Jasmine nodded, “You’re right.”

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Chapter 6: Chapter 6 FREEDOM

Chapter 6

“How long does this passage go on for?” Iago whispered as the dim light showed a few feet in front of him and the thief.
“Quiet down bird, we’ve only been walking for 10 minutes, and I’ve been going slow at that.” Cassim returned. “The temple should be up here soon.” As soon as he said that, the light began to reflect up against something in the distance. It shone a bright yellow.
“Jackpot,” Iago whispered happily. Cassim began to walk farther into the dark tunnel until the light was right at his feet.
Iago flew down and Cassim positioned the light on the reflector. Iago gaped at the large plate of gold that stood before him. “Oh, we are in the denary now!”
Cassim kneeled down and picked the plate up. He twirled it around, then he bounced it on his hand, “I think it’s real.”
“Of course it’s real, what did you expect them to hide down here?; a fake treasure?” Iago asked sarcastically. “Now, shine the light into that cavern, let’s see what else is hidden down here.”
Cassim did as he was told, and his light dimly bounced off the glittering treasures of the cavern. Iago squawked with joy and flew deeper into the blackness.
“Wait a minute little friend, let’s see if we can get more light in through out here,” Cassim warned as he looked around. He came up onto a small tray full of powder. He picked the powder up and smelled it, and then he smiled. He put his torch on the powder, and it immediately lit up the cavern, spreading through out the long tray.
Iago was too busy diving into the coins like pools to even notice. He came up wearing a king’s crown and a diamond ring was hanging off of his beak. “I’m rich!” he exclaimed.
Cassim just gaped at the mountains of treasures that were spread through out the room. He picked up each glittering gem, and examined it thoroughly. “It is real.”
“Of course it’s real! What did you think that I was taking you on another wild goose chase?” Iago asked as he eyed a pearl necklace.
Cassim shrugged, “I just didn’t expect it to be here.” He glanced over to where Iago wallowed in his riches. “Pack up what you can,” he ordered, “we’ll come back for more after we return from Agrabah.”
“I don’t want to go to Agrabah, I want to stay here… and swim,” Iago sleuthed.
Cassim frowned, “I told you I was going to Agrabah, I’ll leave you hear if I have to.”
Iago shrugged, “Go ahead, I’ll manage.
“And what will you eat or drink?”
“Who needs that when you have all this gold!?” Iago screeched.
Cassim withdrew his scimitar and pointed it to the scarlet parrot who was rolling around among the riches. “Pack up what you can, we’re leaving tonight”
Iago gulped, “You know, this whole “threaten the bird” trick could do some serious damage to our relationship.”
Cassim shrugged, “You heard me.”
Iago flew off, jewels dripping from his wings, grumbling to himself. He grabbed a sack that was lying among the gold and immediately began stuffing it with all the treasures he could find. “I finally find a treasure that is worth going for and you rush me out of it.” He turned around, and gasped.
In the middle of the tray of fire was a little table. On the table laid many sheets of silk in different colors, but amongst the silk was the most beautiful, glittering blue sapphire that Iago had ever seen. Iago’s mouth dropped open at the sight of the jewel and he flew over to it, almost hypnotized. “Hey Cassim, look at this!”
Cassim stopped rummaging around in a wooden chest he had found, and looked to where Iago was perched. He eyed the sapphire and also came up under the tray to gape at it’s beauty. Across the way was a golden statue of a man, and the man seemed to be staring down on anyone who approached the jewel’s table.
“What have you found here?” Cassim whispered as he examined the jewel. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sapphire quite like this.”
Iago wrapped his wings around the shining jewel and picked it up greedily. “Alright, the sac’s full in the corner. You get the sac, I’ll carry the jewel!” Iago made his way towards the entrance to the cave and back towards the passageway.
Cassim looked at the little bowl that the jewel had been standing in, and he began to read the ancient text that was written around it. “Beware those who come… the jewel is encrusted… with a great evil… do not let it touch-IAGO NO!” Cassim yelled out. He could no longer see the little parrot so he bolted after him, stumbling on the rocks that jutted out in the passageway.
“Don’t go out there bird!” Cassim warned again, but it was too late. He made is way to the entrance to see Iago standing in the shadow of the bush right next to the rocky ledge in which the entrance was in crested.
“What’s the big idea, where’s the sac?” Iago asked, blissfully unaware of what exactly he held in his hands.
“Do not go any farther little bird, bring the jewel back to me,” Cassim said quietly.
Iago eyed him suspiciously, “No. There’s no way you’re getting your hands on this baby. You take whatever else you want, but I’m keeping this.”
“No, you don’t understand, I-.”
“I understand perfectly pops, you want the jewel to yourself. Well, I found it and I’m keeping it!” Iago yelled back. Cassim sighed angrily and lunged for the bird. Iago squawked and backed up. He flew into the dim lines of sunlight that were protruding from in between the rocks. The sun glittered off the jewel and Cassim cried out angrily.
Before Iago could say another thing, the jewel floated out of his hands and levitated on its own. Iago flew down and perched on Cassim’s shoulder, “Uh, what did I do?”
“You let the jewel touch sunlight, now a great evil is going to escape,” Cassim returned, not taking his eyes off the jewel.
“Uh-oh,” Iago grumbled.
The jewel glittered for a few more moments before a bright flash illuminated around it, which made both Cassim and Iago cover their eyes. When the light subsided, they brought down the covering and stared at the figure before them.
A young man, maybe a five or ten years Aladdin’s senior, emerged, stretching harshly. He yawned, and then looked around. A falcon flew down, with the jewel in his hand, and perched on the man’s arm. The man was gruff looking, tan and well-built. He hand blond hair that barely reached his shoulders, but half of it was pulled back. His clothes were made of a dark green silk and gold. He carried with him a staff that had a large lion head at the top. The sun sparkled off of his sapphire blue eyes, and they twinkled when he moved.
The falcon resting on his arm was the darkest brown falcon there ever was. He had glowing yellow eyes and a wingspan nearly ten feet long. He screeched happily as he dropped the jewel in the man’s hand.
“Good boy Chriseis,” the man whispered, petting his falcon’s soft feathers. The bird screeched happily in reply. The man again looked around, “We are finally free my friend!” They both seemed to laugh.
Cassim began crouching lower in the rocks, bushes with tiny blue flowers covering them. “Don’t make a sound,” he whispered to Iago.
Iago began to nod, then gasped, “Are those lilies?” He asked pointing to the flowers surrounding them.
Cassim nodded, “Yes, why?”
“Because… I’m allergic to lilies!” Iago replied back, then he began breathing rapidly.
“Oh no you don’t!” Cassim replied, holding Iago’s beak, but it was no use. Iago tried to stifle the sneeze, but he couldn’t.
“Ah… ah…AHCHOO!!!”
Cassim dropped his hand and glared at the little bird. Iago rubbed at his beak, and apologized through a stuffed nose.
Suddenly a large shadow appeared before them, and the two thieves looked up.
“Uh… ah… ACHOO! Uh oh,” Iago grumbled once again. The man floated above them, and both he and his falcon just smiled down on them menacingly.

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Chapter 7

“Look what we’ve got here Chriseis,” the man boomed. The falcon flew down and aimed for Iago. “No Chriseis!”
The falcon stopped mid-flight and turned around to look at its master in a confused expression. The man came down from his levitation and stood firmly on the ground. “You will not touch them. I believe these are the two responsible for releasing us from our little trap, are you not?” he directed the question to Cassim.
Cassim pointed to Iago, “he is.”
Iago nodded, “Yes, I let you free!”
The man came down into the crevice with the other two, and with a wave of his hand, the bushes disappeared. Iago gaped around and sniffed, “thanks,” he mumbled.
The man laughed, “I owe my release to a talking pigeon?”
“Parrot, I’m a parrot you jerk!” Iago returned. The man glared down on him. “But, I could always be a pigeon if you want me to be,” he said nervously.
The man walked up to him and patted him on the head, “of course you could be.”
“And who exactly are you?” Cassim asked, standing up and crossing his hands across his chest.
The young man turned to face Cassim, “How rude of me. I am Rickeem, most powerful sorcerer of the deserts!”
Cassim didn’t change expressions, and Rickeem looked for a hint of emotion. He saw a glance of amusement in the older man’s eyes, and he became angry. “Aren’t you going to tremble? Wallow, something?!”
Cassim shook his head, “Why?”
“Because- because I am an all-powerful sorcerer!” Rickeem answered with humorous anxiety and exasperation.
Cassim laughed, “And I am Cassim, King of the former forty thieves… what makes you and I any different?”
Rickeem laughed, “I could destroy you in a second old man, don’t dare make the mistake of comparing yourself to me again.”
“Prove it to me,” Cassim returned.
“Uh, oh mighty king,” Iago whispered in Cassim’s ear, “I don’t think we should make psycho kid mad.”
Cassim batted him off his shoulder and shushed him.
Rickeem looked confused, “Prove what?”
“Prove to me that you can destroy,” Cassim answered, “so far I’ve seen you make a bush disappear, a mere parlor magician could do that.”
Rickeem became annoyed, “I am more than any other magician, watch!” He pointed his staff towards a pile of rocks, and they exploded. Cassim shielded himself and Iago from the falling rubble, then looked up towards the sorcerer.
“Umm, we get the point,” Iago stuttered. “Now, we’ll just be on our way.” He began to shove Cassim towards the horse, but a zap of light protruded in front of them. Cassim and Iago looked up in shock towards the sorcerer.
“You will not go anywhere. Seeing how you helped me out of my little trap, I will not kill you.”
“Well, thank you,” Iago said energetically.
“But it does not mean that you will not stay as my prisoners. I cannot take the chance of anyone finding out that I am free, especially when I have not yet regained full use of my powers,” Rickeem returned.
“Wow, if this is him at his worst, wait until he gets to his full health peak,” Iago whispered.
Cassim backed the sorcerer up, “You cannot keep us here, we have done nothing to you!”
Rickeem smiled, and with another wave of his hand, Iago and Cassim found themselves shackled. “It’s true you have done nothing to me, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t do anything for me.”
Rickeem made his way to Cassim’s horse and began to pull out the papers in one of his sacks. As he emptied it, a picture of Aladdin and Jasmine appeared and floated to the ground. Rickeem picked it up and inspected it closely.
“Who are these people?”
“My son and his new wife,” Cassim answered, “leave that alone!”
Rickeem grinned, “they are royal, are they not?”
Cassim didn’t answer, he just kept his stare on the portrait that Rickeem held. Rickeem, “Where do they rule? And how is that your son isn’t here at this point in time, king?”
Iago laughed, “Him? You think he’s a k-.”
Cassim knocked him hard in the beak, “I wanted to do this on my own. He needed time to enjoy his new wife, and I figured this would be a good time.”
Rickeem laughed, “She is quite beautiful,” he laughed as he traced Jasmine’s outline.
Cassim became enraged, “You will not touch her!”
Rickeem blasted him back against the rocks with a bit of his magic, and Cassim slumped down. “You will not tell me what to do old man. Now, where is that you rule?”
Cassim looked at him, but did not answer. Rickeem jumped down gracefully and grabbed Cassim’s neck, “I asked you a question.” Cassim still would not answer, but his face began to turn red.
“Agrabah!” Iago blurted out. Rickeem let go of Cassim who started coughing before turning to glare at the bird. “What? You think I was going to let him kill you because you’re to stubborn, you’re *highness*?”
“A king of Agrabah, out here on his own, with no guards, and a talking parrot?” Rickeem began to laugh, “taking over your kingdom will be quite easy I presume.”
“WHAT?” both Cassim and Iago cried out in unison. Chriseis swooped down and landed on his master’s arm.
Rickeem laughed, “That’s right, I demand full control over the seven deserts, but I figure I might as well start small.”
Cassim and Iago looked at each other. “Night is falling Chriseis. I will retire to the temple for tonight, you stay out here and watch our… guests. We will leave for Agrabah in the morning.” Rickeem pocketed Cassim’s portrait and entered into the cavern. “Good night,” he called back, his voice echoing through out the rocks.

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Chapter 8: Chapter 8 THE FIRST ESCAPE

Chapter 8

It was late in the night, but Iago and Cassim were still wide awake. They didn’t speak, they just watched the slumbering falcon lying on the risen rocks ahead of them. Cassim leaned over to Iago, “We have to get out of here and warn Aladdin.”
Iago nodded, “Easier said than done buddy.”
“Use your feather to pick the lock.”
“What?” Iago asked, confused.
Cassim sighed, “Use your feather to unlock the latch.”
Iago nodded, and then using his one wing he struggled and plucked one of his own feathers from the other wing, which made him cringe. He then began jumbling the feather around the chains, and the falcon began to stir. Both Iago and Cassim stopped and didn’t breath, but the falcon just stirred slightly, but never awoke.
Iago breathed a sigh of relief, “I’ve almost got it. Who’d have thought that the monkey’s lock-picking skills would have actually come in handy?”
“Hurry little one,” Cassim ushered.
“Hey! Do you want to do it?” Iago returned. Suddenly, there was a faint click and Iago brought his wings out to the front of him. “When are these villains going to learn that they don’t *need* to put keyholes on their manacles?”
“Unlatch me,” Cassim ordered. Iago waddled over, and unlatched Cassim’s restraints in the same manner. Cassim jumped up and rubbed at his wrists, then made his way over to his horse. He picked up his paper pack and searched through it frantically.
Iago made his way over and also began searching, “He has the map to Agrabah, doesn’t he?”
Cassim nodded, “He does, but that’s not what I was looking for. I know the way from the bottom of the cliff.” He boarded the horse, and made it quietly trot out of the bird’s hearing zone. Then he kicked it and Cassim and Iago were off towards Agrabah.

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Chapter 9: Chapter 9 THE WARNING

Chapter 9

The sun was just coming up over the horizon near the city of Agrabah. Merchants stuck their heads out of the doors, and realized that it was going to be a cooler day than those they’ve had before, so they quickly headed out and started their shops. Women began their daily chores, and started their children out to their tasks for the day. It was peaceful in Agrabah, until a chocolate brown horse came storming through the streets.
Aladdin looked out over his balcony down at the city. He sighed, and watched as the citizens went about their daily lives, out in the open. Suddenly, someone came up behind him and grabbed around his chest. He spun around and smiled, Jasmine stood there, her black hair gently swaying in the morning breeze.
“Good morning,” he whispered and he leaned in for a kiss.
Jasmine smiled, and after he let her go she sighed, “What are you looking at?”
Aladdin shrugged, “the sunrise, I guess.”
“You miss it don’t you?” Jasmine asked.
“Miss what?”
“Being out there, you know? Not being trapped in the palace, doing inside things *all* day-.”
Aladdin cut her off, “I don’t miss it. Of course, I had a lot more freedom out there. I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.”
Jasmine looked down at their feet. Aladdin picked her chin up, “but there was always something missing. You.”
Jasmine looked back up, “I don’t want you to feel trapped here with me.”
“I don’t feel *trapped* Jasmine, I feel confined. But, I’m with you, and when I‘m with you… all the walls just kinda crumble down around me.” Aladdin cooed as he took her in his arms.
Jasmine smiled and looked up at him, “I love you.”
Aladdin just hugged her and sighed, “Wouldn’t it be great if something exciting happened today?” He no more got the words out when a long rope was flung over the balcony, catching onto the sides with a hook.
Jasmine gasped and held tight to Aladdin. Aladdin pulled away and went to the rail to look over. He saw a man climbing up the sides of the palace, and he quickly took the rope off of the railing and held it in his hands. He was about to let go when he heard a cry from down below.
“No son, don‘t! It’s me, your father!”
Aladdin looked back at Jasmine, and saw her eyes were wide open. Iago came flying up over the railing.
“Al, don’t let go of the rope, unless you want to be scooping your father up with a shovel off the ground below,” he panted.
Aladdin struggled with the rope, “Jasmine, help! I’m loosing it.”
Jasmine flew to his side and helped pull up the rope, they let it attach to the railing, and as soon as Cassim came close enough, they helped him up and over.
Cassim fell to the ground, and began to pant.
“Dad? What are you doing here?” Aladdin asked, kneeling down beside him.
Cassim began to breath harder, “Son, Agrabah is in trouble.”

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Chapter 10: Chapter 10 MISSING

Chapter 10

Rickeem stretched greatly as he made his way to the entrance of the cave. The sun was just coming up, but its warm rays still made their way to the sorcerer’s face, warming him a little. He blinked a few times before turning to look at his slumbering falcon. He then turned his attention to the rocky wall, and noticed the empty chains.
“CHRISEIS!” He boomed, and the falcon jumped to attention. He looked over to where the captives were supposed to be, and then put his head down.
Rickeem breathed in heavily, “You-you were supposed to be watching them!” he zapped the bird with some of his black magic, and the bird screeched loudly. He looked up, obviously hurt, and screeched quieter.
“I can’t have them warning that man’s city! I am in no shape to take on an entire kingdom yet, even if it is small… we need to move, FAST!” Rickeem ran back into the cavern, and when he returned he held the map in his hand.
Chriseis looked at the sorcerer confused. Rickeem obviously knew what the bird was thinking. “I can’t use the portal now… I don’t have enough power to control our exit. We will ride, for now.” He waved his hand and a black horse appeared before them and reared its front legs. Rickeem jumped on its back and Chriseis flew down and perched on his shoulder. Rickeem kicked the horse’s side and it sped off down the canyon at unbelievable speeds.

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Chapter 11: Chapter 11 SPILLING THE STORY

Chapter 11

“What do you mean there’s an evil sorcerer on his way to Agrabah?” Jasmine asked as she made her way over to the fainting couch Cassim was sitting on. She held a bowl of water, and in it was towel. Cassim took the towel and immediately began wiping his face.
“What do you think he means, Princess? If you ask me, it’s pretty self explanatory!” Iago blurted.
Jasmine glared at him, and Iago backed away nervously. Aladdin spoke up, “We have to keep our voices down, if anyone finds out that Dad or Iago are here--”
“They’ll be locked up faster than a jackrabbit on hot sand,” Genie finished, transforming into a rabbit with humongous feet.
“Oh great, I’m being told to be quiet from “Mr. Mouth” himself,” Iago mumbled in Genie’s direction.
Genie walked over to him and put his hand around Iago’s shoulders, “I’d hate for the guards to find out that an ex-con bird came back to Agrabah just to be roasted in the palace’s oven.”
Iago scoffed. “If I go down, you do know pops here goes down with me.”
Genie laughed, “not necessarily, shall we test this theory out?” Iago was about to return when Aladdin cut in.
“Be quiet you two. The last thing we need now is someone finding out that dad’s here!”
Genie nodded, and he zippered his lips up, locked them, and then threw away the key. He then zapped rope around Iago’s beak, who looked up at the Genie, and growled.
Abu came pawing in, and he saw Iago and Cassim, and started to screech wildly. He ran over to Cassim and up on his shoulder.
“Well hello there little friend, I haven’t seen you in awhile,” Cassim greeted. Abu nodded, then he turned his attention back to Iago on the floor.
Iago was struggling with the rope around his beak, but Abu quickly came over and untied it for him. Iago stared at the little monkey for awhile, “thanks,” he grumbled quietly.
Abu nodded, then ran over to Aladdin. Aladdin patted his head, and Jasmine came to his side with a goblet of water for Cassim. Cassim took it and downed it ravenously.
Aladdin pulled Jasmine down gently, and took her hands. “Now dad, what exactly is happening here?”
Cassim stopped drinking and looked up, “Rickeem is loose, and he’s headed straight for Agrabah.”
“Rickeem? Sorcerer Cassim you mean?” Genie asked, walking over.
Cassim nodded, “Yeah, you heard of him?”
“Uh… DUH! Rickeem was only the most powerful sorcerer of all time!” Genie answered exasperated.
Everyone else stood back in shock. Genie hit his head, “Of course, you guys wouldn’t know that… this was about five hundred years ago.”
“Five hundred years? Then Genie, you were still trapped in the lamp, how do you know about him?” Aladdin asked.
“Word travels fast, even in the Cave of Wonders,” Genie replied, taking a seat next to Cassim.
“How are we going to defeat him?” Jasmine asked, worry shaking her voice. Aladdin put his arms around her shoulders and tried to comfort her.
“You can’t defeat Rickeem, you can only trap him once again,” Genie replied.
“Again? You mean, he was trapped before?” Aladdin asked.
“No… it’s normal for a sorcerer to live for five hundred years without causing *any* trouble,” Iago remarked.
Aladdin turned to the parrot angrily, “Then how did he get free?”
Iago backed away nervously, “eh..”
“You let him free?” Genie jumped up. “What, you didn’t notice the WARNING SIGN on the gem’s holder?!” he asked transforming into a hundred or so modern day warning signs that flashed and buzzed.
“Well, I did, but by the time the I figured out what it meant, it was too late. The parrot was already gone,” Cassim whispered.
Jasmine laid her hand on Cassim’s, “it’s alright, but what I’m wondering is why he chose to attack Agrabah, does he have a vendetta or something against the city?”
“Well… umm… I, well… we kinda told the guy that Cassim here was king…of… the… city,” Iago stuttered.
“YOU WHAT?” Aladdin, Jasmine, and Genie cried out in unison, Abu echoing the same thing incoherently behind them.
“Well,” Iago put his beaks up in front of him, “it was either that or your dad would have been ancient history.”
Aladdin put his head in his hands, “What are we going to do?”
“It’s alright Aladdin,” Jasmine tried to comfort him, “we can do it. We just have to trap him and take him back to where he came from.”
“Oh sure, that’ll be easy… not,” Iago mused.
Jasmine glared down on him, “I’d advise you to keep quiet for now.”
Iago just rolled his eyes and flew over to perch on Cassim’s shoulder.
“What was this sorcerer trapped in anyway?” Aladdin asked, picking himself up.
“A sapphire,” Cassim answered.
Aladdin turned around, “We’ve faced sorcerers trapped in jewels before, we can do it again.”
Jasmine stood up next to him, “Aladdin, this guy was trapped for hundreds of years in a cave that was meant to be hidden. He seems much worse than anything else we’ve had to go up against.”
Cassim nodded, “she’s right son, and now it’s the whole world you’re protecting, not just Agrabah.”
“But, no pressure,” Genie added coming up behind Aladdin and putting his hands on his shoulders.
Aladdin laughed, “I guess not.” He walked over to the window, and then turned back around, “is this sorcerer you mentioned around 6 feet tall, blonde hair, and a falcon?”
“Yeah, why?” Cassim asked.
“Because, he’s here.”
“What?” Jasmine asked coming up next to Aladdin to look out the window. Rickeem was on his black stallion, but now it was flying on wings. Aladdin put himself in front of Jasmine and peered out at him.
Rickeem noticed, and blasted the wall of the room back, throwing Aladdin and Jasmine to the ground. Genie and Cassim rushed over to help them up when Rickeem stepped onto the destruction.
“Well hello there,” he grinned, “Chriseis.” The falcon on his arm turned to look at him and screeched. “Chriseis, my pet, I believe we’re home.”

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Chapter 12: Chapter 12 INTRODUCTIONS

Chapter 12

Aladdin jumped to his feet, “Leave Agrabah alone.”
“Oh, you must be the prince, I believe I’ve already met your father,” Rickeem gloated, looking towards Cassim. Cassim helped Jasmine up and glared at the sorcerer.
“You heard me!” Aladdin demanded his attention back.
Rickeem looked back at him as Abu climbed up on his shoulder. “Chriseis, are you hungry?”
The bird nodded. “Then, a little monkey meat will be perfect. Go!” Rickeem ordered. Chriseis soared over and knocked Abu down hard on the floor. Abu jumped up and took off across the room. Chriseis followed closely.
“Oh no he isn’t!” Genie called out, zapping a large bird cage around the falcon. Chriseis looked around confused, before lashing out angrily.
“Now, watch as the bird angrily tries to peck out my eyes,” Genie commented in a safari outfit and heavy Australian accent.
Aladdin turned back to Rickeem angrily, “Leave us alone!”
“Or you’ll what?” Rickeem returned. He turned his attention to Cassim, “You didn’t tell me anything about a genie being involved in your kingdom.”
“I’m a free genie bub,” Genie replied, coming back up to the front with the rest of the group.
“But you’re just filled with magic aren’t you?” Rickeem asked.
Genie turned angry, but didn’t reply.
Rickeem laughed, “A bunch of cowards, the whole lot of you!”
“Leave us be!” Jasmine piped in, coming out from behind Aladdin.
Rickeem smiled lustfully, “and you must be the new princess.”
Jasmine glared at him, “My name is Jasmine.”
“Like the flower, how nice,” Rickeem returned, coming closer to her. Aladdin immediately jumped into action and placed himself between Jasmine and the sorcerer.
Rickeem seemed shocked for a moment, but then he smiled, “You will not keep me from her boy. There is nothing you can do.”
Aladdin just stood angrily. Cassim came up next to him.
“I will get what I want,” Rickeem echoed.
“Aladdin, please, be careful,” Jasmine said from behind the two men.
Rickeem seemed pleased, “Aladdin, is it? Prince Aladdin… how charming.” The sorcerer waved his hand and great wave of magic overtook Cassim and Aladdin and threw them back into the wall.
Jasmine went to run to them, but a force field of magic appeared around her, not allowing her to go any farther. Genie turned to face the sorcerer, “Alright, now I’m mad!” He transformed into a larger man, with muscles and a army gear on. “Get ready to be annihilated,” he said in a gruff and scratchy voice. He zapped a blast of blue and white magic, and hit the sorcerer straight on in the chest.
Rickeem laughed, and as the magic hit him, he just simply “absorbed” it. Genie stood back shocked.
“This can’t be good,” Genie said meekly. He transformed himself back to normal, just in time for Rickeem to blast him back into the wall, head on. Genie’s body dangled from the wall, but his head was implanted in the plaster. Aladdin and Cassim got up and looked from their friend to the sorcerer.
The sorcerer paid no attention to them, he just took Jasmine by her wrists and brought her around to face him. Jasmine tried to pull away, but he was too strong. “You will do quite nicely,” Rickeem whispered in her ear. Then he began to levitate with the princess in his arms. He shot a bit of magic towards Chriseis’s cage, and the bird was let free. He flew to his master’s shoulder, and they began to take off towards the sky.
Aladdin jumped up and dove for the sorcerer, but it was to late. He picked himself up and whistled, and within seconds Carpet was at his feet. He jumped on and Carpet soared towards the sorcerer and princess.
“Aladdin, help!” Jasmine cried out and she kept struggling against her captor.
Aladdin soared faster, but Rickeem just blasted him back. Carpet lost full control and began heading for the ground. Aladdin caught himself on a tree near the bottom of the gardens, and jumped down. He looked up just in time to see Rickeem and Jasmine disappear into the throne room entrance.
Carpet came back and picked him up, and flew him to the room where the others were. “He’s taken Jasmine, and he’s going to find the sultan.”

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Chapter 13: Chapter 13 TRAPPED

Chapter 13

Jasmine struggled fiercely against Rickeem, but she could not escape his grasp. She looked down towards the gardens where Carpet had fallen, but she could see no sign of Aladdin. “Let me go you… you--”
“How feisty you are princess, I’m not used to a woman having such… spunk,” Rickeem mused as he came towards the balcony of the throne room. Jasmine looked down and realized that her father was standing in the middle of the room, talking to the head guard, Rasoul.
As soon as Rickeem landed, Rasoul and the sultan noticed and ran to the princess. “Jasmine, what is going on here?”
Rickeem looked down on the short man, “Who are you to address the *princess* in such a familiar manner?”
The sultan was about ready to respond when Jasmine hastily cut him off. “Umm… Rickeem… this is Ahmed… the sultan’s royal vizier. I’ve known him since I was but a small child, we are on a familiar level.”
Rasoul and the sultan looked at each other in shock, then back at Jasmine. Jasmine, who was now standing behind Rickeem made a quick pleading motion, and the two decided to go along with it.
“Yes, sir, and I am the royal guard to Princess Jasmine, herself,” Rasoul said slowly.
Jasmine hit her head. Rasoul looked confused until something hit him hard in the stomach blasting him into a large pillar. Rickeem walked over to the nearly unconscious guard, and laughed. With a wave of his hand, Rasoul found himself in chains, unable to move.
Jasmine gasped and ran up to Rickeem, grabbing his arm. “Don’t hurt them, they’ve done nothing to you!”
Rickeem pulled away from her. “They have done nothing for me either.”
Jasmine glared at him, “What is that you want?”
“I want power, princess. I want the seven deserts, I want to rule the… well… I want to rule the world.”
Jasmine stood shocked, “You think that you can actually do that?”
“Jasmine, I still don’t understand what’s going on--”
Jasmine stopped and watched as Rickeem made his way to her father’s throne, and then pulled her father off to the side. “Just play along.”
The sultan nodded to his daughter, dazed and confused. But he listened to what Jasmine said, and followed behind her.
Jasmine made her way up to the throne where Rickeem had sat himself down. “Rickeem--”
“Sultan Rickeem, princess,” Rickeem interrupted her.
Jasmine cleared her throat, “*Sultan Rickeem*… what will it take for us to persuade you to leave Agrabah in peace?”
Rickeem looked down on her amused, “Nothing. I am on my way to getting everything I want. I have power, soon I’ll have glory, and the most beautiful woman of the seven deserts at my side.”
Jasmine backed away, “What?”
Rickeem smiled, and waved his hand. A beautiful gold throne appeared next to the sultan’s. It glittered beautifully and lavish purple pillows accentuated it.
Jasmine finally grasped the whole idea, and she backed away even farther. “I will never be yours. I love Aladdin.”
Rickeem seemed almost more amused at her statement. He stood up and came towards her, stroking her face, “Love? You love that fool?”
“Aladdin is no fool. He’s the one who will be able to stop you.”
Rickeem laughed, “Stop me?” Chriseis flew over and landed on the throne’s arm rests, and glared at the princess and dazed sultan. “Stop me?” Rickeem asked again. “Your *prince* is just a young and foolish boy. He doesn’t stand a chance against even the most simple sorcerers.”
“You don’t know Aladdin,” Jasmine returned. She pulled away from him, and this angered Rickeem.
Rickeem grabbed the princess’ arm and held tightly. Jasmine whimpered a bit from the pain, but anger still was written all over her face. “If you were smart,” Rickeem began, “you would learn when to keep your mouth shut.”
Jasmine pulled away hard, “How dare you try and control me?”
Rickeem’s eyes flashed with anger, and he shot a bolt of bright purple magic towards her. Jasmine doubled over in pain, falling to the ground.
“Jasmine!” the sultan cried out. He ran over and held his daughter’s shoulders, trying to support her.
Rickeem held up his white and purple cloak and brought it around him, giving him a look of mystery. “I’ve warned you princess… now next time you will know what to expect.” He turned and sat back down on the throne. Chriseis began to nudge him, in order to be praised. Rickeem obliged, smiling proudly upon his stolen prize.
Jasmine let out a little cry when her father helped her stand, and she held her abdomen tightly.
“Jasmine,” Rickeem called, “come up here, next to me.” He ordered, pointing towards the throne he had just created.
Jasmine hesitated, but then she realized there was no choice. She made her way up the steps and took a seat next to the sorcerer. Rickeem looked over at her, and smiled menacingly. Jasmine just looked away, cringing. The sorcerer examined his garments, then sighed. He wore just a simple outfit, one worn by most royalty. His outfit was mainly purple, but the outlines were a bright white. He wore no hat, but his hair was a golden blonde, with a purple and white streak in the front. He swiped at the different streak, and then looked back over at Jasmine.
“What are you looking at?” Jasmine asked, crossing her arms.
“You are dressed much to like a child,” Rickeem replied. He snapped his fingers and Jasmine found herself dressed differently.
Jasmine looked at herself in disgust. She now wore a harem dress of white, and purple shears around the waist. Her hair was let down, but there was one purple band holding it together at the very end.
“I liked the way I dressed,” Jasmine said coolly.
“I didn’t,” Rickeem returned. Jasmine huffed and looked away.
The sultan came up, “Please, leave Jasmine be.”
“Quiet old man!” Rickeem ordered. He clapped his hands, and the sultan was clasped right next to Jasmine’s throne. He looked up at his daughter sadly, and Jasmine’s heart almost broke.
“Please, leave him alone, I’ll do anything!” Jasmine pleaded.
Rickeem shook his head, “You sit there and look pretty. Leave the rest up to me.”

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Chapter 14: Chapter 14 THE ATTEMPTED RESCUE

Chapter 14

Aladdin peered in threw a small opening near the edge of the throne room balcony. He could make out Rickeem sitting on the sultan’s throne, and Jasmine’s figures sitting on a new throne next to him. He could barely see the sultan sitting next to his daughter, and then he shuddered.
“Abu, what do you think he’s planning on doing?” Aladdin asked his monkey friend who popped out from behind him.
Abu screeched something incoherent, and shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.
Rickeem moved closer in on Jasmine, and Aladdin became angered. Carpet realized the jealousy and quickly took off back towards where the rest of the group was waiting.
Aladdin jumped off of the rug, anger written all over his face. Cassim looked up in shock and rushed over. Genie also came over, and noticed Aladdin’s anger.
“Whoa Al, what’s got you cookin’?” Genie asked as he morphed into an exploding thermometer.
Iago flew over, “What do you think you dof! There’s a sorcerer who took his city, his wife, and is trying to take over the world! What could he possibly have to be upset about?”
Genie scowled. But Aladdin cut in between the two of them, “We have to get Jasmine and the sultan out of there.”
Cassim nodded, “As soon as we get those two out of there and to safety, we’ll be able to trap Rickeem again.”
“Umm… when you say “we”… you mean everyone, excluding me, right?” Iago piped.
Cassim shook his head, “No you helped us get into this situation, and you are helping us get out of it!”
“What do you mean, *I helped*… all I did was carry out a beautiful jewel out of a cave.”
“Yeah, and that jewel happened to hold one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world in it,” Aladdin returned, scowling at the little bird.
Iago sighed, “Alright, but if you ask me, we use the monkey as bait.”
“Hey,” Abu said in his screeching way. Then he bonked Iago over the head.
Iago cringed at the blow, “Do it again monkey and you’ll wish that you were the bait.” Abu laughed and stuck out his tongue, which angered Iago even farther. “Alright monkey, run.” Abu screeched in fear and took off, Iago closing in behind. Before anyone can stop them, the two animals were brawling with each other on the rubble of the room.
Aladdin, Genie, and Cassim ignored them. “Alright, there has to be some way to get Rickeem away from the sultan and Jasmine, if only for a few minutes,” Aladdin said.
“We need a diversion,” Cassim answered.
Genie’s face lightened up, “Diversion? Did someone say they needed a diversion?”
Aladdin and Cassim looked at each other and smiled. Abu and Iago came crashing through the group, but Aladdin grabbed Iago and Cassim grabbed Abu. Genie said, “whoa, you two.”
“Alright, I have a plan,” Aladdin began to whisper his way to free the princess and the sultan without Rickeem coming after them.

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Chapter 15: Chapter 15 NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE

Chapter 15

Jasmine sat at her new throne, looking down at her hands. Rickeem sat next to her, and she knew that he was looking at her, but she wouldn’t reward him with a glance back.
“Jasmine, I wish that you would stop rejecting me, it’s really not good for either of us.” Rickeem pouted, stroking her hair.
Jasmine smacked his hand away, “I’m fine with it, really.”
Rickeem became angered and grabbed Jasmine’s arm and lifted her to a standing position.
“Jasmine! No, please don’t hurt her,” the sultan pleaded from his spot on the floor.
“Shut up you old man,” Rickeem returned, “this is between me and the princess.”
Jasmine squirmed in Rickeem’s grasp, and a look of pain was written all over her face. “Let me go!”
“I don’t understand it princess, you actually love this Aladdin fellow?” Rickeem asked, genuinely confused.
Jasmine looked back at him, “Of course I do!”
Rickeem looked taken back, “Where do you hail from princess?”
Jasmine became tense, “Well, I- I’m originally from…”
“Yes, spit it out.”
“Well… I’m from-”
“Let her go Rickeem!” a voice interrupted their conversation. Rickeem turned around to see Aladdin standing on his carpet, staring intently.
Jasmine looked at him questioningly, and jerked her arm away from Rickeem.
“Well, if it isn’t the prince,” Rickeem sleuthed stepping forward. Jasmine went over and sat next to her father, trying to comfort him.
“Rickeem, I’m warning you one last time, leave Agrabah alone,” Aladdin warned.
Rickeem laughed, “Or you’ll what?”
Aladdin laughed nervously, “Oh I’ll- I’ll-.”
“You’ll what?” Rickeem was now stepping even farther, leaving Jasmine and the sultan. Aladdin will fly back farther and farther, and the conversation went staggering on.
Jasmine looked worriedly at her husband until she heard someone softly call her name. She turned to look behind one of the large pillars out towards the balcony that over looked the city. Aladdin stood there, hiding in the shadows. Jasmine’s face lightened up and she almost squealed with delight.
Aladdin slid a shiny metal object towards Jasmine, and she grabbed it quickly with her foot. She looked up to make sure that the sorcerer had not become distracted, and when she realized he hadn’t, she looked to see what was throne to her. It was a tiny lock pick, and she used to unlatch her father’s restraints as quietly as possible.
“Jasmine, what-how?”
“Don’t ask questions now father,” Jasmine hushed him and looked up. Cassim appeared behind the throne.
“Alright you guys, let’s go,” Cassim ordered.
“Take father first,” Jasmine commanded and Cassim nodded grabbing the chubby man and leading him back towards the pillars. Jasmine watched as they disappeared in the shadows, then she too stood up and began sneaking out. Suddenly, her foot caught hold of the chains that had restrained her father and a loud clashing sound echoed through out the room as she fell.
Rickeem whirled around and frowned, “And where exactly did you think you were going?”
Jasmine looked up in horror. Rickeem came over and picked Jasmine up by the back of her neck, “I told you princess, you now belong with me!”
Aladdin watched from behind the pillars and became angered when he saw Rickeem’s abuse. Cassim tried to hold his son back, but it was too late. Aladdin lunged out from their hiding place and dove into the sorcerer, making all three of them sprawl out over the thrones.
Rickeem quickly jumped up and trapped Aladdin with his magic. He peered at him, and then gasped. “But wait, if this is the prince… then who is that?” he asked pointing to where the Aladdin duplicate stood.
The duplicate laughed, and then Genie emerged. “Umm… well… it was always my life long dream to be Aladdin… heh.”
Rickeem quickly became enraged and blasted Genie and Carpet back off the balcony. He turned back to Aladdin who was helping Jasmine up. He blasted the young couple apart and Aladdin went flying into the back wall, his head cracking up against the marble.
Jasmine went flying into her throne, and turned around just in time to see Aladdin slump to the floor in pain. She quickly jumped up and ran to him, and laid him in her lap, trying to help keep his consciousness.
Rickeem came up to them, and his shadow loomed over Jasmine. She looked up at him in anger as tears welled up in her eyes.
“I told you princess, you belong with me.”
“And I told you, Rickeem, to leave Agrabah alone,” Aladdin mumbled, steadying himself up against Jasmine.
Rickeem swooped down and grabbed Aladdin by the neck and brought him up with one arm. Jasmine gasped in horror and tried to pull at the sorcerer’s grip, but Rickeem easily blasted her back into the newly arrived Cassim.
Aladdin gasped for breath, and struggled against the sorcerer’s hold. “I am getting really tired of this whole family…” Rickeem growled, tightening his grip.
“That is enough!” a voice rang out, and Rickeem dropped Aladdin and turned to see who it belonged too. Aladdin fell to the floor, choking, and Jasmine ran back to him, and tried to make sure he was okay.
Rickeem turned around to face the tiny sultan standing before him. “Who do you think you’re talking to?”
The sultan’s brow furrowed deeper, “As the sultan of Agrabah, I demand that you leave at once.”
Rickeem became confused, “I think that you may have that turban wound a little to tight. He’s the sultan of Agrabah.” He said pointing over to Cassim who was desperately working on Rasoul’s restraints.
Cassim noticed that the attention was on him, and quickly stopped his arguing and rescuing with Rasoul and stood up. “I am a king, but not the Sultan of Agrabah.”
Rickeem’s mouth dropped open, and he gasped, “You lied to me?” he said exaggeratedly. He then turned back to the sultan, “Then it’s you I wanted all along…” he mumbled as he was about to shoot down the sultan with his magic.
Suddenly, someone came tumbling into the sorcerer and he went flying back. He jumped up quickly to see a large bull staring at him.
“Genie!” Jasmine cried out. Rickeem blasted her back again into Aladdin’s arms and they both went head on to the wall.
“I am sick and tired of these games,” Rickeem growled again.
Genie transformed into a coach, “Games? Did someone say games?” he asked gruffly. He then transformed Rickeem into a football player’s uniform. Rickeem became enraged, but before he could say or do anything, a group of LARGE football players came and tackled and dove into him. They pushed him all the way to end of the balcony and over the side.
Genie rushed over to Aladdin and Jasmine and went back to his normal form. “Al, Jas, are you alright?”
“Yeah, sure, don’t ask the bird!” Iago squawked as he came over and landed on Aladdin’s shoulder. Abu came up behind him and climbed up on Aladdin’s other shoulder.
Jasmine helped Aladdin to his feet and Cassim came up behind them followed by the sultan. “I sent Raoul over there to the streets to warn the people.”
“Rasoul,” Jasmine corrected him, and then turned back to Aladdin. “Aladdin, are you alright?”
“Yes, my boy, you do not look to good,” the sultan chimed in looking over Aladdin’s ripped and burned light blue outfit.
“Yeah, I’m… er… fine,” Aladdin replied, trying to stand on his own. Jasmine let him go, and sighed.
Genie noticed her worry, “It’s alright Jas, my man Al here can handle anything!” Genie the proceeded to slap on the back, which only made Aladdin cry out in pain.
“Genie, don’t do that!” Aladdin snapped.
“Ooops, sorry Al,” Genie apologized, helping him back up.
“Alright, we have to find a way to get Rickeem back into that sapphire,” Cassim broke the silence.
“Oh, sure, that’ll be easy, seeing how the sapphire’s still all the way back at the temple!” Iago almost yelled.
“Well, someone needs to go get it,” the sultan commanded.
“I’ll go, I know the way,” Cassim offered. He turned back to his son, “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”
Aladdin nodded, “I’ll be fine, just hurry.”
Cassim laughed, “I’ll be back before you know it!!” His voice swayed as he was lifted up in the air by Carpet. “Keep safe until I’m back!”
As soon as Cassim was out of view, Aladdin collapsed on the ground.
“Kid, are you alright?” Iago asked, almost worried.
Jasmine came down with him, “Aladdin, Aladdin, what’s wrong?”
“We need to get him out of here Jas,” Genie demanded.
Jasmine nodded, “But, there’s no place safe around here with Rickeem about.
Genie thought for a moment, smoke coming out of his ears. Abu came over to where Aladdin was laying, and Aladdin tried to smile for his little friend, but he couldn’t fight back the pain.
“I GOT IT,” Genie exclaimed. “I know the perfect place we can take Al!”
“No one is going anywhere,” Rickeem’s voice came between them. They looked to see him looming over them at the balcony’s edge. Chriseis came flying down and landed on his arm. “No one makes it out of the palace alive.”

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Chapter 16: Chapter 16 GET RAJAH

Chapter 16

Aladdin looked up, obviously to tired to fight. Jasmine clenched his arm, and her face was steeled over with anger. “Leave us be Rickeem! You’ve got what you wanted, now, please, let us take Aladdin out of here!”
Rickeem crossed his arms and made a swift motion with his head so that the purple streak in his hair was no longer in his eyes. Jasmine took in a heavy breath, not wanting to give off her obvious impression of fear. Then, Rickeem smiled.
“Where’d he go?”
Aladdin’s eyes went wide. He had to be talking about his father.
“Where’d *who* go?” Genie asked slyly
“Don’t fool with me idiot!” Rickeem snapped back, his hand glowing a bright purple. Genie simply gulped and sat back down.
“He left,” Jasmine replied, anger now streaming in her voice.
Rickeem seemed annoyed, “and where did he go?”
“To find a way to stop you,” Jasmine replied coolly.
Rickeem laughed, and then his attention turned back to Aladdin, “And you are truly the man’s son?”
Aladdin nodded, groaning a bit from the movement.
“Well, there has to be an interesting story behind that,” Rickeem quipped.
Genie jumped up, “Well, actually there is! It all starts with a street rat..” he was now holding a storybook and seeming to be reading the story of how Aladdin came to be.
“I didn’t say I wanted to hear it!” Rickeem blasted the book back, and it landed on the floor, flames exploding from it.
Genie gulped, “Got it.”
Iago flew into view and landed on Aladdin’s shoulder. Chriseis looked down on him curiously, and Iago took a deep breath, and tried to hold back his fear.
“No matter,” Rickeem finally spoke, “I obviously didn’t want him. I wanted you.” He directed his last statement to the sultan.
“NO!” Jasmine cried out as the Sultan was levitated in the air and flew back into a wall, chains appearing around his hands.
Rickeem grabbed Jasmine’s wrists and then proceeded to pull her into his chest. “I’ll make you a deal.”
Jasmine quickly pulled away, but Rickeem did not release her arm. Jasmine struggled, “What do you want?”
“I will let the sultan--.”
“He’s my father!” Jasmine retorted.
Rickeem smiled, “I knew that you were of this land. No matter, I will let your *father* and your friends go…”
“If?” Jasmine asked.
“If you stay with me, and rule by my side.” Rickeem finished, his eyes sparkling with entrapment.
“Never!” Aladdin yelled an answer. He stood up and stumbled over to Jasmine and put his around her waist in a dominative manner. Rickeem frowned.
“I didn’t ask you.”
“Too bad! That’s the answer. I will not let Jasmine stay with you!”
“Aladdin, please-,” Jasmine whispered.
“Jasmine, no! There’s something else going on here, he won’t let us go,” Aladdin returned looking at her.
Suddenly, a blast of bright purple magic shot at Aladdin and sent him flying into Genie. Jasmine went to go after him, but Rickeem restrained her. Jasmine looked on as Genie helped Aladdin to his feet.
“Al, I think this lunatic is serious,” Aladdin cautioned as he came over and flew next to him.
“I don’t care Iago, he’s not keeping Jasmine.”
Genie pushed Iago out of the way, “Al… you’re down and out,” he pleaded turning into a boxer that was bruised and beaten, “there’s no way we can get Jas and the rest of us out of here safely.”
“He’s right Aladdin,” Rickeem replied as he walked over to the group, Jasmine still in his grasp.
“I won’t leave without Jasmine!” Aladdin replied, jumping up.
Rickeem frowned deeply, and Jasmine could see anger sparking in his eyes. “Yes you will Aladdin.”
Aladdin’s attention shot from Rickeem to Jasmine. Jasmine lowered her eyes, and he thought he could see the shimmer of tears on the borders.
“Jasmine, huh-what--”
“You will go. I will stay here. Take father and the guys out of here, go some place safe.”
Rickeem smiled in a satisfied manner, “That’s one smart woman you have.”
Aladdin ignored him, “Jasmine, I won’t leave you!”
“Aladdin, you have to!” Jasmine replied. Her tears were flowing quickly now.
Abu took this time to make his way to the Sultan and begin to silently work the locks. Aladdin looked quickly to his monkey friend, and his face lightened.
Jasmine could see the changed expression, and stole a tiny glance over her shoulders where she saw the tiny monkey beginning to free her father. She winked slightly, and the two kept up with their new charade.
“Jasmine, if you go, I- I don’t know what I’d do!” Aladdin began dramatically.
Jasmine’s eyes steeled, “You will go! By order of the princess!”
Aladdin seemed taken back by the statement, he turned to Genie. “Can she do that?”
Genie just gawked, “Well, umm… let’s see here…” he began as an old scroll appeared in his hand. He jumble read for a little while, then the scroll wrapped up and disappeared. “Well, no, technically she can’t. You are the prince of Agrabah.”
Rickeem seemed annoyed by the new spirit of the conversation, “Back to the tears and goodbyes please.”
Jasmine glared at him. “He should really meet Rajah… RAJAH!” she cried. Aladdin could see she wasn’t playing now.
“I’m sure he’s okay Jasmine,” Aladdin responded. Tears again began to well up in her eyes, and she looked down.
“Who is Rajah?” Rickeem asked questioningly. He didn’t like actually seeing the princess upset.
“Oh,” Genie began slyly, “just a friend of the princess’s…”
“Well, go get this friend.” Rickeem demanded. Genie went to leave, when Rickeem restrained him with his magic.
“Not you, I want the parrot to go get him.”
Iago gulped, “Me?”
“Yes you, my rescuer,” Rickeem returned, “is there a problem?”
Iago looked questioningly at Aladdin, but Aladdin just shook his head and urged him to go on. Iago looked back to Rickeem, “Well… yeah… sure… send the parrot.”
He took off flying out of the throne room.
Rickeem turned his attention back to Aladdin and Jasmine. “Say your goodbyes princess, because this is the last time that you will ever see your husband, father, or friends ever again.”


Iago flew as fast as he could to Aladdin and Jasmine’s bed chambers. The palace was empty, so he had no worries of being caught. Outside, he could hear the panic in the streets, but he was unconcerned with that now. He made his way to the large doors of the royal couple’s bedchambers. They were slightly open, so he poked his way in.
Inside he could see Rajah laying peacefully near the soft curtains that billowed from the balcony. He crept inside, and sighed, “Why do I get talked into these things?” He made his way to the sleeping tiger and poked at his sides. The tiger made no movement so Iago made his way to his head.
“Rajah, OH RAJAH! It’s time to wake up!” Iago practically screamed. Rajah opened his eyes slightly, then they bolted open. He knew Iago was not supposed to be there, and he growled as he made his way up to all fours.
“Whoa kitty, it’s alright… Iago’s here to help,” Iago pleaded, putting his wings out in front of him defensively.
Rajah didn’t let down his growling and proceeded to back the intruder up to the bed. “Rajah, c’mon! We’re pals, we’re family.”
Rajah looked at him and rolled his eyes. With one swift movement, the bird was in the tiger’s mouth.
“No, Rajah, the princess is in trouble!”
Rajah’s eyes widened and he automatically spit the scarlet parrot out onto the floor. Iago was dripping with drool, and he made a disgusted face. Rajah snapped at him, and Iago was brought back to attention.
“Hurry you oversized kitten,” Iago ordered as he led the worried tiger out of the chambers and down to the throne room. “They’re depending on us.”

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Chapter 17: Chapter 17 ROCKSLIDE

Chapter 17

Carpet soared up over the mountains and into the clouds. Cassim sat on top, not looking down. He clung to the rug nervously as they flew faster and faster. He didn’t want to tell the rug to slow down, because he knew his son needed him, but he didn’t know how much longer he could contain his fear.
As if on cue, the temple mountain appeared out of the clouds and Cassim sighed with relief. “There it is, right down there!”
Carpet obeyed and soared down towards the top of the mountain and stopped above a tiny platform and let his lone passenger off. Cassim stumbled a bit, and slowly he regained the feeling and momentum in his legs.
Cassim made his way towards the entrance of the temple, and realized that Rickeem had not closed it behind him. “He must have left in a hurry,” Cassim thought to himself.
He slowly made his way into the cavern, and Carpet floated right behind him. “There’s little light,” Cassim whispered as the sunlight dimmed more and more as they made their way down the tunnel. Carpet came up behind the older man and nudged him on top of him. He then made his way down the tunnel at a faster pace. Carpet was quite used to dark caves.
Cassim could see a dim light up ahead, and knew it must be the main cavern. Carpet began speeding up until they got inside. Cassim couldn’t help but stare at awe at the marvelous treasure once again. Carpet urged him faster and faster. “Alright rug, I’m going.”
Finally, Cassim made his way back to the platform where Iago had first found the gem. Carpet realized that the gem wasn’t there, but Cassim calmed him down. “The gem’s still outside rug, we’re in here to find if there is *any* information on how to trap the man back *in* it.”
Carpet nodded, and then began pointing towards the ancient text. Cassim picked a stick up and placed it in the fire that surrounded them and then placed it above the statue to get a better light. He studied the text intensely before muttering some in descript words.
“To…light…sacrifice…imprisoned…incantation…,” Cassim’s eyes widened. He moved his eyes up towards the top of the statue’s scroll. As he did, he pulled down the statue’s hand. A small rumbling began deep underneath him.
Carpet immediately noticed, and began freaking out. He pulled at Cassim frantically, but Cassim hastily pushed him away. “Give me a minute rug, I just need to finish memorizing the incantation.”
Carpet knew there was no time to wait. Rocks began falling from the walls, and Cassim finally took notice. He gasped, and dashed for the cavern opening. Carpet came up from behind him and soared underneath him. They made their way to the opening, but rocks began to block their view.
“There’s the opening, hurry!” Cassim commanded as he could see the sun shining out through a hole. Carpet began soaring faster, but it was to late. A large rock took them down.
If you were on the outside, all you would have seen was a man almost to the opening, but then the rocks blocked the entrance. You would have thought all hope was lost.

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Chapter 18: Chapter 18 ALL BOARDING FLIGHT 101: OUT OF HERE

Chapter 18

Back at the palace, Abu was still furiously working at the sultan’s restraints, slowed because of his cautions not to make a sound.
“Where is this Rajah?!” Rickeem boomed.
Jasmine jumped at his voice, but Aladdin put his arms around her shoulders. “He will be here!” Aladdin yelled.
Rickeem turned and glared at the young man, but he didn’t say anything. A purple aura surrounded Jasmine, and she was forced to come to the sorcerer’s side. She struggled, but Rickeem knew she could not break his hold.
Suddenly there was a large growl from the entrance to the throne room. Rickeem looked up and saw a large tiger standing in the door’s frame, and his face took on an amused demure.
“Rajah!” Jasmine cried out happily as Rickeem let her go.
“That is Rajah?” Rickeem asked confused.
Genie laughed, “who were you expecting… the pope?” he asked turning into a cartoonist version of the old priest.
Rajah came fast and lunged on the sorcerer. Rickeem screamed in surprise, but Rajah kept him pinned down.
Abu took the time to work on the sultan’s locks quicker and suddenly the older man was free. He ran up to Aladdin.
“Sultan, you’re free!”
“Father!” Jasmine called as she ran over to Aladdin and her father. Aladdin staggered a bit before he called to Genie.
“Genie, get us out of here!”
Genie immediately rose into action and turned into a large plane. “Now boarding flight 101 heading at 300 mph to destination OUT OF HERE!”
A large stair case fell down and Iago and Abu scampered up into the large plane. Jasmine ushered her father up and was about to enter herself when she turned to see Rickeem blast Rajah off of his body. Rajah flew and landed hard on the floor limp.
Aladdin turned to see Rickeem back on his feet and quickly grabbed Jasmine by the waist. “No, we have to get Rajah!” she protested.
“We will, but first we need to get out of here!” Aladdin called back. Rickeem became angered and blasted a shot of magic towards the young couple. Aladdin cried out in pain as it hit him right when he stood on the first step. Jasmine caught him before he fell and helped him up. As soon as they entered the contraption, the door shut.
Jasmine made her way to the front, and found Genie sitting in a weird attire and wearing goggles. “Genie, we need to get out of here fast… but we can’t leave without Rajah!”
“No problem little lady, you just sit tight and get to handing out the little bags peanuts. I’ll take care of the rest.”
Jasmine obeyed and went back to Aladdin who was holding tightly to his side and wriggling on the ground.
Rajah whimpered on the palace floor as Rickeem blasted away at the plane. Suddenly, he was enclosed in a large suitcase and he flew back into the underside of the plane.
“Alright, we’re out of here!” Genie yelled as the plane took off out of view. The occupants inside held for dear life as Genie lifted up his flying machine and out of the windows they could see they were now leaving the palace.
Rickeem watched as the flying contraption lifted up off the ground, but he was blown back by the huge gusts of wind coming towards him. He lifted himself up and shielded his eyes until the plane left the throne room and soared out over the streets of the city. Rickeem jumped up and growled angrily. “Chriseis!” he boomed, and the falcon swiftly came and perched on his master’s arm.
Chriseis suddenly was surrounded by a purple light, and he quickly became larger and larger. He screeched in what sounded like delight, and flapped his wings slowly. Rickeem smiled, “There my pet, is that better?”
Chriseis looked down on his master, and gave an appreciation screech. Rickeem petted the large beast’s beak. He then jumped on his back and held tight to Chriseis’ neck and feathers. “Now, let’s go get ‘em!” The large bird heeded his master’s orders and took off after the bright blue craft in front of him.
Abu looked out the plane’s window with wide eyes as the clouds passed by faster and faster. Suddenly, a large eye appeared in his view, and Abu jumped back and began screeching furiously.
“What are you freakin’ out about flea ball?” Iago asked as he came over and looked out the window. “There’s nothing there! Al, I think that Abu has air sickness!”
Abu chattered angrily and hit Iago over the head before climbing back up on his seat. Aladdin lay on the ground, gritting his teeth as Jasmine looked at his side. “Aladdin, are you going to be alright?”
Aladdin nodded, “I should be. I--” He couldn’t finish his sentence, he was too tired.
“Jasmine, dearest, we need to get him some place safe to rest,” the sultan cooed as he looked down on Aladdin.
Jasmine wiped a sweat soaked strand of hair from Aladdin’s forehead and nodded. “Genie, we need to get Aladdin somewhere safe, NOW!”
“I roger that, but we’ve got some company!” Genie answered loudly.
Jasmine jumped up and ran over to the window. Outside she could see Rickeem riding swiftly on a larger version of his pet falcon. “It’s Rickeem, Genie watch out!”
It was too late, Rickeem had already shot a large amount of magic towards the plane and hit the left wing, hard. The tiny group screamed as the plane nosedived into the open square of the city. Genie crawled out of the pilot’s hatch and swung around to the passengers. He found the sultan, Iago, Abu, Rajah, and Aladdin. He helped them up, “Are you guys alright?”
Aladdin coughed violently, “Yes, but where’s Jasmine!?”
“I’m here,” Jasmine called as she threw some of the rubble off of herself and jumped up. She ran over to Aladdin and her father. “Is everyone al--”
There was a strong gust of wind. Abu went flying backwards, along with Iago, but Genie caught them, along with the sultan. Rajah tried to keep his head straight in the wind, and Aladdin tried his best to shield Jasmine.
Then, the wind stopped, and the group looked up again to see Rickeem looming above them on Chriseis. “I don’t enjoy being disobeyed!”
“Leave us alone Rickeem! You have the palace, just go away!” Jasmine screamed.
Rickeem laughed, “One thing you’ll learn about me princess is that… NO ONE TAKES ANYTHING AWAY FROM ME!”
“You will not take Jasmine!” Aladdin confronted, staggering.
“Rickeem, please! I love Aladdin, I don’t want to be without him!” Jasmine pleaded, placing herself between Aladdin and the large falcon.
Rickeem frowned, “You have a choice princess. You either come with me now, and I’ll leave the rest of your “family” alone, or…” a bright purple light surrounded Aladdin and he levitated up to where he was even with Chriseis’ beak. Chriseis looked at him and smacked his tongue. “…your lover boy here becomes Chriseis’ next lunch.”
“Al!” Genie called. He went flying up to where Aladdin was and turned into a large mechanic. “Alright, monkey wrench!” He got a huge drill and went towards the force field, but was blasted back down to the ground. He laid there unconscious and Abu and the Sultan quickly went to try and awake him.
“Please Rickeem, leave Aladdin alone!” Jasmine pleaded, running up the side of the falcon and looking up towards the sorcerer.
“I gave you a choice princess… now choose!”
Jasmine looked up to Aladdin, who was still struggling against his magical restraint. He looked back to her, and shook his head. His eyes pleaded for her not to go through with it.
“I’m tired of having to make sacrifices Rickeem! I do not want to go with you, and I should not be made to choose.”
Aladdin screamed in pain at her statement, and Jasmine realized that Rickeem was putting more pressure on his restraints.
“Jasmine, I gave you a choice!”
“Alright! Alright! I will go with you! Just leave Aladdin alone you monster!”
Rickeem seemed taken back by her statement. He waved his hand and the magic holding Aladdin disappeared. He fell to the ground hard, and Jasmine ran over to him. She had barely managed to touch his arm when she was thrown back and lifted into the air and placed smoothly next to Rickeem. Ties formed around her tiny wrists and ankles, and tears began to fall from her eyes.
Aladdin staggered to his feet, and there were tiny sparkles of tears in his own eyes. Genie finally became conscious and realized his situation.
“Aw no! No one takes our girl away from us!” Genie proclaimed proudly. He turned into a tiny bug and flew up towards the falcon. As soon as he got close enough, he turned into a small version of himself and he carefully plucked a feather from the bird’s neck. He then took the feather and began making a soft motion right under the falcon’s beak.
Rickeem felt a shudder underneath him. Chriseis began breathing heavier and heavier. “Uh oh.” Jasmine whispered.
Chriseis screeched softly, “Ah…ah..”
“Chriseis, no!”
Chriseis tried to fight it, but it was no use. “AH…AH… AH… AHCHOO!!!!”
The falcon’s sneeze was so powerful and built up that it sent anyone around it flying. Including the sorcerer on his back. Rickeem went flying right into a building and slid down to the ground, hitting it hard.
Jasmine went flying in the same direction, but before she hit the ground, Aladdin caught her. He ran with her in his arms to where Genie had gathered the rest of the group off and they took off down the streets.
By the time Rickeem had regained his composure, the group was no where to be found. He got up and swung his cape around, and went over to where Chriseis was standing. “I blame you for all of this, you do know that right?”
Chriseis screeched sadly, and sniffed.
“Well, let’s get back to the palace. We’ll find the princess later, I need a break,” Rickeem sighed. He jumped back on Chriseis and they took off for the palace throne room once again.

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Chapter 19: Chapter 19 BACK TO AGRABAH

Chapter 19

Back at the Temple of Kinnocks, the dust had settled from the rockslide and a small lizard made its way around the rocks, looking for a new home. There was a small tremble from underneath the little green lizard and it quickly took off down the other rocks and out of sight. Suddenly, the trembling of rock rolled away and Carpet soared out and up into the sky. He floated back down and looked around. Then he jerked into action and began throwing rocks every which way. Soon, he saw a glimmer of navy blue. He began throwing rocks faster and faster, until what he was searching for was completely uncovered.
Cassim groaned as Carpet lifted him up out from underneath the rocks. He let his eyes come open slowly, but still grimaced at the pain in his head. Carpet allowed him to sit up, and Cassim peered around. “I’m getting to old for this,” he whispered. Carpet came out from underneath Cassim as he stood up.
“Thanks rug,” Cassim said. Carpet nodded and bowed to show he understood. Cassim then sat on a rock, “Well, we can give up on ever finding that sapphire again. I don’t know what I’m going to do, I can’t go back to Aladdin without that jewel!”
Carpet floated up behind Cassim and patted his shoulder, as if to tell him it would be alright. “This was all my fault in the first place, and now I can’t even fix my mistake! I’ve tried so hard to show Aladdin that I’ve changed my life around… but somehow everything seems to blow up in my face!” Cassim stood up in a huff, “I’m going to kill that parrot when--” he stopped. There was a small glimmer from the lily patch in the crevice that he and Iago had hidden in before. Using the tree that was near the entrance of the cave, Cassim eased himself down into the flowers and began searching for the shiny object.
Carpet came up behind him, and watched curiously as Cassim made his way through the small field of flowers. Suddenly Cassim jumped up slightly and he held a large jewel in hand. “I’ve found it!” he exclaimed. He examined the small jewel, then looked up towards the rocks. “Trapped once before, now again. Threatens whom who threatens man.”
Carpet didn’t take time to look at the jewel or wonder what Cassim was talking back. He scooped the man up and started through the sky, and made his way back to Agrabah.

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Chapter 20: Chapter 20 A PLAN UNFOLDS

Chapter 20

Back in Agrabah, the small royal party had made their way to the safest place they could think of; Aladdin’s hovel. Aladdin made his way to the crumbling stairs, Jasmine still in his arms. He set her down gently, and cut the ropes that tied her wrists and ankles together. Jasmine rubbed at her arms gingerly, and then looked back up at Aladdin. “Aladdin, are you alright?”
Aladdin’s eyes were heavy and watery. His hair was matted, and he was sweating terribly. He tried to force a smile that would please Jasmine, but couldn’t manage it. “I’m fine Jasmine.” After he got the words out, he fell to the steps and laid his head down on the old pillows. Jasmine came up next to him and wiped his hair out of his eyes.
“You don’t look alright,” she returned, worry shaking her voice.
The sultan came up behind his daughter and put his hand on her shoulder. “He’ll be alright dearest, he just needs to rest.”
Jasmine nodded, then looked back down to Aladdin. He already looked like he had fallen asleep, and Jasmine knew that he just needed to be left alone for a few moments. She went back down the stairs and up to where Genie, Abu, Iago and her father were sitting.
“Is the kid going to be alright?” Iago asked, trying to keep the worry out of his voice. Abu came up onto Jasmine’s shoulders and looked over to where Aladdin lay. He screeched sadly, and looked at Jasmine for her answer.
Jasmine smiled slightly and took Abu into her arms. “He’ll be fine you guys, he just needs to sleep.”
“Yeah, a little “r and r” will do Al some good,” Genie added. He made a small red blanket appear on Aladdin. “In fact, we could all use some rest. It’s almost nightfall.” He turned around and made a few mattresses and pillows appear. He zapped Iago and Abu into some old fashioned pajamas and they both found toothbrushes hanging out of their mouths. Genie turned into a mother looking stereotype figure, “Now you two, off to bed.” He turned to the sultan, “You too you’re highness. There’s nothing worse than a tired Nation ruler. Get to cranky, and you can order a city destroyed.”
The sultan nodded, “You’re quite right Genie.” He turned to Jasmine, “You really should get some rest too dearest.”
Jasmine nodded, “I’m going to sleep with Aladdin tonight.”
The sultan nodded, and Genie made a mattress and pillow appear near Aladdin. Jasmine thanked him and made her way to the spot. She took the pillow into her lap, and sat near Aladdin, who was now resting peacefully. She watched him for a few minutes before turning to look out the hovel window towards the palace. She sighed sadly, and tears began to brim her eyes. She quickly swept them away. She sat there for a few minutes before turning around and realizing everyone was fast asleep. Snoring could be heard miles away, but Jasmine was too tired to care. She put the pillow up on the step below Aladdin and she too crawled up and began sleeping.

Cassim and Carpet made their way through the night over the grand city of Agrabah. There were no lights in the windows, and Cassim could tell the families did not dare light anything more than a candle in their rooms. “They must be terrified,” he told himself. Carpet cautiously made his way to the throne room balcony, and stopped behind a large column. Cassim could hear Rickeem inside as he forcefully lashed out on one of the palace guards.
“I want them found!” Rickeem yelled at Rasoul. Rasoul kneeled in front of the throne, grimacing at the sorcerer’s harsh scolding. “I don’t care if you have to ransack the whole city. Bring the princess to me!”
Cassim smiled, “so, Aladdin got them out did he?” he asked himself. Carpet made a circular motion, and Cassim knew that he wanted to leave. “Alright rug, let’s go.” Carpet soared out over the city, and then a thought came over Cassim. “Wait, how do we know where Aladdin went?”
Carpet made another circular motion. Cassim nodded, “Yeah, I should of figured you would have known.” Carpet sped faster and faster until he came up onto the abandoned building that used to be Aladdin’s home. He soared up to the open window and Cassim looked in. He saw Aladdin immediately. He was laying on the crumbling steps, and Cassim could see the faint figure of Jasmine laying on the step right underneath him. He could hear snoring in the background, and he figured everyone had made it out alright.
Carpet came in silently and Cassim stepped off the rug quietly. He made his way to Aladdin and gently shook his shoulder. “Son, get up, Aladdin--”
Aladdin sprung to life and grabbed Cassim’s hand gruffly. Before Cassim had time to react Aladdin tumbled him to the ground, and the two men went sprawling down the steps. “Aladdin, stop! It’s me!”
Aladdin’s eyes lost their glazed look and he concentrated harder on the man he had just attacked. He fell backwards, “Dad?”
Cassim stood up gingerly, “Yeah, who else would it be?!”
Aladdin rubbed his head in sleepiness, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know…” A large cage fell over Cassim and Aladdin stepped back in shock.
“Don’t worry Al, I have the criminal apprehended.” Genie said through a large microphone. “Now, put your hands where I can see them!” He walked around the cage in a military cop uniform with large sunglasses.
“Genie, no! It’s Cassim,” Jasmine defended as she walked over to Genie and grabbed the flashlight on his belt. She turned it on and shined it in Cassim’s face. Cassim covered his eyes and growled.
“Let me out of here now!”
The cage and Genie’s cop uniform disappeared in a glimmer of magic. Aladdin came up behind his father and put his hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was you. We’re all a little on edge.”
“It’s alright Aladdin, I understand that.” Cassim replied. Then he groaned and grabbed at his arm.
“Dad, what’s the matter?” Aladdin asked.
Cassim shook his head, “Nothing, I just think I bruised my arm in the rockslide--”
“Rockslide?” Jasmine and the sultan asked in unison.
Cassim pulled up his sleeve to reveal his wounds. Jasmine came over and looked at it. “That needs to be cleaned. It could get infected.”
Cassim pulled his arm away, “Never mind, we have bigger things to worry about.”
“Did you get the jewel or not?!” Iago broke in.
“Well hello to you too little friend.” Cassim retorted. He reached into his sash and pulled out the sapphire.
Genie took the gem from his hand and examined it under a microscope as he adorned a white operating coat. “Hmm…yes… I see.”
“What is it Genie?” Aladdin asked as he came up and tried to look over his friend’s shoulder.
“Well, it’s definitely a keeper,” Genie replied, transforming back to normal. “Unfortunately, we need more than the gem to trap loco boy.”
“Trapped once before, now again. Threatens whom who threatens man.” Cassim interrupted. Everyone turned and looked at him. “That’s the incantation I read.”
“Are you sure that’s the whole thing?” Genie asked, still examining the sapphire.
Cassim rubbed his head, “Yeah, I didn’t hit my head that hard.”
“Cassim, are you sure that you’ll be alright?” Jasmine asked again, eyeing the bruises forming on his face and arms.
Cassim grunted hastily.
“She’s right dad, you’re in no condition to go after Rickeem with us. You stay here--”
“NO! I’m going,” Cassim hastily interrupted Aladdin. Aladdin backed up in shock.
“Rajah can stay here with you,” the Sultan returned.
“I don’t need a tiger to take care of me. I’m coming.”
Aladdin and Jasmine looked at each other then back to Cassim. They knew that there was no use in trying to argue with him.
“What we need is a plan!” Iago squawked, interrupting the silence.
“Iago’s right, we need to find a way to get into the palace,” Aladdin looked over to Genie, “it’ll need to be a surprise.”
“No, really? I thought we would just ask Rickeem if we could waltz back into the palace. Hey! Maybe he would even help us as we try to trap him back into the gem!” Iago sarcastically remarked.
Genie flicked him in his head, “Bring the volume down a bit huh?” he suggested in his best “Archie Bunker” voice.
“Aladdin, are you sure you’re up to it?” Jasmine asked, coming up and putting her arm through his.
Aladdin turned to look at her, “I’m fine now.” He could tell she wasn’t convinced, “Jasmine, I’m fine. If all goes to plan, we get in, trap Rickeem before he has any time to retaliate, we get out and put the gem somewhere where no one will be able to free him again.”
“If all goes to plan,” Jasmine repeated.
“Well, we all know *that* never happens,” Iago grumbled from Cassim’s shoulder.
Cassim laughed, “He’s right son. We need to be ready to fight as well.”
Aladdin looked out to the palace for a minute, then he turned back to Jasmine. “Jasmine, I want you to stay here.”
“What?” the whole group said in unison.
“I will not!” Jasmine returned.
“Jasmine, he’ll use you to--”
“I will not let you go on your own!” Jasmine interrupted angrily.
“Jasmine, please stay here with Rajah and the sultan. We’ll be back as soon as we possibly can be.” Aladdin pleaded.
Tears began to well up in Jasmine’s eyes, “I will not stay behind. I am going with you and that’s that!”
“Dearest, I think Aladdin knows what’s best. We can trust his judgment,” the sultan soothed, taking Jasmine’s chin into his hand.
“I’m going,” Jasmine said determinedly.
“Fine, there’s no use in arguing with you, is there?” Aladdin sighed, a hint of humor in his voice.
Jasmine came up to him and kissed him on his cheek, “Nope.”
“Alright, enough of the mushy stuff, we need to move!” Iago boomed.
“I have a plan,” Aladdin said as they huddled together and listened intently to the young man’s plan.

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Chapter 21: Chapter 21 A PLAN'S DESTROYED

Chapter 21

Carpet soared silently above the city, heading straight for the palace. Aboard sat Aladdin, Jasmine, Cassim, and Abu. Genie and Iago flew just as quietly behind, careful not to make a sound.
“Carpet, take us to our balcony,” Aladdin whispered. Carpet made a swift movement to signify that he understood and soon was hovering over Aladdin and Jasmine’s balcony. Aladdin jumped down and then helped Jasmine. Cassim stumbled off. Aladdin and Jasmine looked at each other questioningly, but they knew that it wasn’t worth saying anything.
Genie and Iago flew down after Carpet and they all moved into Aladdin and Jasmine’s room. “Alright, you all remember the plan, right?” Aladdin asked.
“Oh, yeah, sure. We all forgot it in the five minutes it took us to get here,” Iago remarked.
Jasmine glared at him, “We need to make sure this plan goes right, the first time.”
“She’s right guys, we may only have once chance,” Aladdin added.
Cassim came up and put his hand on Aladdin’s shoulder, “Are you sure you’re up to it son?”
Aladdin smiled slightly, “I’m fine dad.” He then turned to Jasmine, “you don’t have to do this you know.”
“What? And miss out on all the adventure? You said it yourself, we haven’t had this for awhile in Agrabah,” Jasmine smiled.
“Yeah, if only I knew then what I knew now.”
Genie transformed into a humongous sand dial, “Sorry to break up the party kids, but we’ve only got 3 hours until sun up.”
“Yeah, we need to move,” Aladdin rushed.
The group made their way out into the hallway and stuck near the corridor walls. Aladdin led with Jasmine right behind him. Cassim followed her with Iago perched on his shoulder and Carpet at his side. Genie followed behind dressed as a jewel thief and in the bag he was holding was Abu dressed in the same fashion. They made their way down stairs and through out corridors. Guards of all sorts seen them, but knew that they should not alert of their presence.
“Aladdin’s the only one who can get us out of here,” Jasmine heard a servant whisper to a younger maid who was about to alert Rickeem of their intrusion. She smiled, and looked up at her husband.
“You’re right, he is,” Jasmine whispered almost silently. At that moment Aladdin stopped at the end of a hallway and he turned around.
“We’re at the throne room,” Aladdin informed. The rest of the group huddled around, and Genie turned him and Abu into their normal selves. “Alright, now… let’s get this done as quickly as possible.” he looked over to Cassim, “Dad, you have the gem right?”
Cassim reached into his sash and pulled out the sapphire, “It’s not going anywhere.”
“Now Al, are you sure that we have to trap the freak sorcerer in *that* sapphire. I mean, isn’t there another jewel in the palace treasure--”
“Iago, not now!” Jasmine cut him off.
“Genie, what do we have to do to trap him again?” Aladdin asked.
Genie turned into a professor with mustache and brown suit. He picked up his briefcase and set it on what seemed to be thin air. It then popped open on its own and out emerged a large poster board. On it was drawn a picture of the sapphire, the temple, the sun, and a really badly drawn picture of Rickeem and Chriseis.
“First, we need to get the sapphire on Rickeem’s lion head staff,” Genie said in a heavy English accent and he pointed to the picture of Rickeem. “Then, we have someone,” he looked at Cassim, “say the incantation. After that, it’s just the simple task of getting the gem back to the temple WITHOUT IT TOUCHING SUNLIGHT!”
Cassim nodded, “I got it.”
Aladdin turned to Jasmine, “I’m going to be the one to place the stone on the staff.. Dad’s going to say the incantation. I need you to stay here with Genie, Carpet, Iago and Abu in case something goes wrong.”
“Aladdin, I--”
“It’ll be alright Jasmine. We’ll get in, get out, and get the gem back, and Agrabah will go back to normal.”
Jasmine threw her arms around Aladdin, “Just be careful,” she whispered.
Aladdin nodded and kissed her on the cheek. He then motioned for his father to follow him, and the father and son duo made their way into the throne room, shadowed by the large columns around the edge.
Jasmine watched in worry from behind the hallway corner. Genie came up behind her and put his hand on her shoulders. “They’ll be fine Jas.” Jasmine didn’t turn around to acknowledge him. She just kept watching as Aladdin eased his way around the edge of the throne room, knowing in one step he could fall to the palace gardens, nearly one hundred feet down.

“Aladdin, can you see Rickeem yet?” Cassim asked as he tried to keep up with his son easing around the edges of the throne room.
Aladdin turned his neck to a straining position around the column he had his back to. He could see the side profile of the sorcerer sitting on the sultan’s throne, and he could see the staff laying next to the right armrest. Chriseis rested upon the armrest, and Aladdin knew this was going to be a lot harder than what he had expected.
“I see him, but he’s got his watch bird there too.” Aladdin told Cassim. Cassim sighed heavily. Aladdin thought for a few minutes before another plan came to his head. “Dad, you stay here.”
“What? Son, where are you going?” Cassim asked as he tried to grab Aladdin’s arm. Aladdin moved over a bit and whistled for Carpet loudly. Cassim looked shocked for a moment, “Aladdin, what are you doing?”
Aladdin didn’t answer, instead he jumped right off the edge and down towards the gardens below.
“ALADDIN!” Cassim called out as he tried to grab his son, but he didn’t. He watched as Aladdin fell fast, and cringed when he nearly hit the ground. He opened his eyes again, but only to see Aladdin safely soaring aboard Carpet. He looked into the throne room, and he could see that Rickeem and the falcon had heard the commotion and were coming out to see what exactly was going on.
Rickeem looked out over the gardens and he could see the young man soaring around, almost as if he was taunting him. “Chriseis, what is he… doing?” Chriseis just looked at his master and shrugged.
“I’m starting to regret turning you to your normal size,” Rickeem said almost to himself as he watched Aladdin fly around in circles. Cassim almost laughed as he watched the stun faces of the sorcerer and falcon. “No matter,” Rickeem turned to Chriseis, “if the prince is here, the princess shouldn’t be far off.” He took another step forwards, forcing Cassim to take a few steps in reverse on the edge. “Chriseis, go take care of him for me.” Chriseis screeched and took off for Aladdin.
“Great, now what am I going to do? Aladdin has the gem,” Cassim whispered to himself.
Aladdin turned in circles over and over on Carpet until he saw the falcon soaring towards them. “Carpet, let’s move!” he ordered and Carpet took off. He pulled up next to Cassim and Aladdin took the sapphire out of his sash. “Dad!” he called softly, and threw the gem. Cassim caught it and stuffed it into his pockets then watched as Aladdin soared away, distracting the bird.

“Genie, Aladdin left, he’s distracting Chriseis,” Jasmine said in alarm as she turned around. To her amazement Genie was dressed in total camouflage and was using a pair of detailed binoculars.
“I’m way ahead of you Jas,” Genie said as he zipped into the throne room.
“Where’s he going?” Iago asked as he flew next to Jasmine. Jasmine shushed him and watched with Abu on her shoulder.

Genie soared into the throne room and right up to where Rickeem was resting on his throne. “What are *you* doing here?” Rickeem asked, unimpressed by the genie’s presence.
Genie transformed into a large robust woman in a tiny red dress, “Now, is that any way to talk to a lady?” Rickeem looked at him in disgust.
“What are you doing?”
Genie transformed into a business man and sat at a desk back away from the throne. “I hear that you have interest in gaining control over the world, is that correct?”
Rickeem nodded, smirking.
“Well, then you’ll need this new insurance plan, designed to cover *all* the needs of evil sorcerer’s just like you!” Genie boomed. “Now, if you would just come down here and sign on all 237 dotted lines, and initial on the other 400, we’ll be all done and you will no longer be liable for the damage that you cause to any of the seven deserts!”
Rickeem frowned, “I am not in the mood for your parlor tricks.” He stepped towards Genie, and Cassim made his way to behind the throne and towards the staff.
“Parlor tricks,” Genie said angrily, turning into the same woman as before. He smacked Rickeem over the head with his purse, causing him to fall to the ground. As Rickeem was getting up, anger flickering in his eyes, he saw Cassim getting ready to place the gem on his staff.
“NO YOU DON’T!” Rickeem called out as he zapped Cassim back off the throne and into one of the columns. Genie immediately tried to distract the sorcerer again by lassoing him like a cowboy. Rickeem easily melted the ropes away and grabbed the genie by the neck.
“Not… good,” Genie choked.
Jasmine watched from behind the wall, and cringed as she saw Cassim lying unmoving and Genie turning odd colors in Rickeem’s grasp. She saw that Cassim still held the sapphire and turned to Iago and Abu.
“Iago, Abu, get the sapphire and put it on the staff,” she ordered.
“I don’t want to,” Iago protested.
“I don’t care,” Jasmine returned, “this whole thing *is* your fault.”
“Sure, blame the parrot,” Iago mumbled, “And what will you be doing, your *highness*?”
“Distracting Rickeem,” Jasmine answered as she made her way into the throne room.
Iago and Abu looked at each other and then back towards Jasmine. “Alright hair ball, let’s go.”

Aladdin and Carpet circled the palace three times, but the falcon didn’t seem to tire. “Alright, Carpet, we need to get back to the throne room. I need to make sure Jasmine’s alright.”
Carpet obeyed and took off for the front of the throne room. Aladdin hopped off and peeked inside.
Jasmine made her way to Rickeem who still had a hard hold on Genie. “Rickeem, please let him go!”
Rickeem turned to look at Jasmine, as did Genie. “Jasmine, this was definitely not part of Al’s plan.”
“Either was Cassim getting hurt,” Jasmine replied pointing to where Cassim was lying. “Rickeem, please, I’ll do anything… just don’t hurt anyone else.”
Rickeem smiled with pleasure, and he let Genie go. “Alright, deal. I will not hurt one of your friends that are in this room.”
Jasmine ran to Cassim and laid her head on his chest, “He’s breathing.”
“Oh, well… that was an accident,” Rickeem mused.
“Sure it was,” Jasmine mumbled under her breath. She looked up at Rickeem, but past him she could see Aladdin peaking in around the front balcony. Her face lit up, but she knew she would have to cover for him once again.
“Well, *Jasmine*, are you ready to gain power on the rest of the seven deserts?” Rickeem asked slyly.
Jasmine smiled, “whatever you say… *master*.”
Rickeem smiled back and began to pet her hair, “That’s what I like to hear.” he stopped and looked into her eyes, “But, I hope you’re not only saying that because you think hero boy is going to save you.”
Jasmine took a deep breath, “I know he’s no match for you.”
“Good, so you won’t mind if I do… THIS!” Rickeem boomed as he made a purple light surround Aladdin and brought him to Rickeem and Jasmine’s feet.
“Aladdin, no!” Jasmine said as she fell to her knees and put Aladdin’s chin in her palms.
“Jasmine, what are you doing?” Aladdin asked, pain obviously pulsing through his body.
“I-I’m sorry Aladdin,” Jasmine whispered as tears began to fall from her eyes. She stood up to Rickeem, “Let him go!”
Rickeem laughed, “but I’m having so much fun!”
“You’re despicable!” Jasmine insulted.
Rickeem grabbed her roughly by her arm and brought the princess up close to his face, “But you’re still mine!”
Jasmine just spit in his face, and he let her go. She fell to the ground and threw her arms around Aladdin, ignoring the instant pain she felt. Suddenly Aladdin went flying out of her arms and went sailing into another palace column.
“Al!” Genie called out as he rushed to his side.
Jasmine went to, but Rickeem held her back. “Genie, is he alright?”
Genie picked Aladdin up in his arms, “Al, c’mon little buddy, snap out of it!”
“NO!” Jasmine cried out. She fought fiercely against Rickeem’s hold, but she wasn’t strong enough.
Rickeem put his lips right up against her ear, “Now watch as I perform the grand finale.”
Jasmine watched as Rickeem brought a whole bunch of power to his hands and aimed right for where Genie was trying to wake Aladdin up. “NO!” Jasmine cried out again, and she broke free. She felt a surge of pain and a light surrounded her for a few seconds before her whole world went black.

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Chapter 22: Chapter 22 RETREAT

Chapter 22

Jasmine couldn’t feel anything anymore. Her body had gone completely numb, and she was disoriented. It was black, she couldn’t see anything. Slowly, she felt herself falling to sleep. There was a small jerk as if something was pulling her upwards, but she couldn’t detail it. She was to far gone.

“Jasmine?” Aladdin asked worriedly as he picked her up in his arms. He brought her close, and found a heartbeat.
“Put her down,” Rickeem ordered from where he stood. Aladdin looked up, almost scared. “Put her down now,” Rickeem repeated.
“Leave her alone!” Aladdin returned, holding Jasmine tighter to his chest.
Rickeem became increasingly angered, “Give me the girl now, she is mine.”
“NO! I won’t give her up… take me instead!” Aladdin bargained.
Rickeem laughed, “A valiant action, but I don’t want you. Give me Jasmine, and the rest of your friends will not be hurt.”
Aladdin looked over to where Chriseis was perched on top of the throne, Abu hanging out of his beak by his little vest. Iago was being held by his tail feathers. Cassim slumped next to them, still unconscious.
Genie was standing behind Aladdin. He had been there when Rickeem had first tried to kill Aladdin, but Jasmine intervened. “Al…”
“I am not giving her up Genie, he can’t have her,” Aladdin snapped.
Genie stepped back, “Alright.”
Aladdin didn’t take his eyes of Rickeem, “You’ll have to kill me to get to her.”
“Why do you heroes make everything so gosh darn difficult!” Rickeem whined. “Can’t you see I’ve won!? Why are you so stubborn?” Rickeem blasted Aladdin back forcefully into Genie. Aladdin tried to hold to Jasmine, but it was no use. The princess fell to the ground, surrounded in Rickeem’s purple light. She levitated in the air and traveled right into the sorcerer’s arms.
Aladdin ran after her, but it was too late. He looked up at Rickeem and his brow furrowed, “Give her back to me now!” Aladdin was so angry, he didn’t think about his actions. He dove into the sorcerer sending all three to the ground. Aladdin began wrestling with the man on the floor until there was a sharp pain in his shoulder. He looked up and saw Chriseis soaring away after swiftly. His arm went numb as blood flowed from the cut.
“Give it up Aladdin,” Rickeem said as he stood up and walked over to where Jasmine had fallen. He picked her up once again. Aladdin still hadn’t calmed down and went again to lunge at Rickeem. Before he made contact, there was a bright light that blinded him.

As the white light disappeared Aladdin began to look around. He found himself on the outside of the palace, right in front of the front gate. Genie, Abu, Iago, and Cassim were all with him.
“Al!” Genie exclaimed as he came up and gave him a big hug. Iago and Abu followed his action. Aladdin yelped in pain at the pressure their embraces had placed on his slash.
“Oh, sorry,” Genie said childishly.
“That dirty rat still has Jasmine!” Aladdin exclaimed.
Genie nodded and turned into a large, buff military man, “Yeah, but we can get her back!”
Aladdin looked around at his friends. Iago and Abu were helping each other stand and examining Abu’s torn vest. He turned to his father who was just now gaining conciousness on the desert floor. “No Genie, we need to go home for right now.”
Genie looked at Aladdin in shock, “But Jasmine--”
“We’ll get her back Genie, but we’re in no way ready for Rickeem now,” Aladdin whispered. He went over to where Cassim was laying and helped him to his feet, and aided him down the street. Genie followed sadly, Carpet came flying down and swooped Abu and Iago up, and the small group made their way back to Aladdin’s hovel.

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Chapter 23: Chapter 23 MISSING GEM

Chapter 23

Rickeem made his way to one of the empty bed chambers of the palace. He carried Jasmine in his arms and when he made it to the room he considered good enough, he carried her in and placed her on the bed. He made his way to the balcony entrance and shut the door, melting the lock together. He went back to the side of the bed and swept a stray hair from Jasmine’s face, “You just rest here, we’ll work everything out when you wake up.” He turned on his heels and left the room, shutting the door behind him.
Rickeem made his way down the hallway and back to the throne room where Chriseis was waiting for him. Rickeem petted his falcon and sat back down on the throne. “Oh Chriseis, I’m so bored.”
Chriseis screeched sadly. “Oh, I know you’re tired,” Rickeem soothed looking back out to the moon. “It’s nearly sunrise.” Rickeem sighed, thinking for a minute. “I know, how about tomorrow we go after a new city!”
Chriseis almost smiled, and gave his praise to the idea.
“Hmmm… now which one do we want?” Rickeem asked as he made a large map appear in front of them. “We have Ghetzistan, King Mamood’s kingdom… the Land of the Black Sand…” Rickeem studied the cities for awhile, before laughing. “Let’s just take them all!”
Chriseis screeched loudly, and Rickeem patted his head. “Oh yes Chriseis, it feels good to be back in business.” He reached into his sash for a moment, before realizing that something was missing. He jumped up and looked around frantically… “Chriseis, the sapphire is gone!”

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Chapter 24

Aladdin walked down the streets of Agrabah. He was alone, except for Abu. He looked around at his city, and he sighed sadly. Abu knew his friend was down and tried to comfort him by patting his head.
“Abu, I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Aladdin finally said. He looked at his monkey friend, and frowned. “It seems whatever I try to do, my plan just gets shut down. I mean, I’ve lost the palace and Jasmine to him. What else am I going to loose? The rest of the world?! I can’t let him take everything, but I don’t know how to stop him.”
Abu looked at him, not knowing what to say or do but try and comfort him in the same way as before. Aladdin hit the wall of an abandoned building, “What am I supposed to do? We don’t even have the gem anymore… there’s no way we can beat him!”
A large smile crept over Abu’s face and he jumped down from Aladdin’s shoulder. “Abu, what--”
Abu didn’t give him time to finish, he pulled out the bright blue sapphire from his vest and smiled down on it, full of pride. The gem glimmered in his paws under the faint glow from a nearby building’s candle.
Aladdin saw the gem and his face lightened, “Why you hairy little thief!” he exclaimed taking the gem from Abu and looking it over. “Abu, remember when I was giving you a hard time for stealing that food from me earlier?”
Abu nodded, confused.
“You can forget all about it,” Aladdin joked. Abu screeched happily and climbed back onto Aladdin’s shoulder. “Let’s go home.”
Aladdin took off down the streets until he came to the bottom entrance to his hovel. He climbed up the building and leaped to the roof and made his way inside. “Genie, Dad!” he called running up to where the small group was sitting on the steps.
When he got there, he noticed that the Sultan just turned his head away. The sultan had been quite mad when he heard that the group had left his daughter with Rickeem, instead of staying and bringing her home with them. Rajah growled in anger at Aladdin, and turned away.
“C’mon guys, look!” Aladdin exclaimed as he showed them all the gem. Genie flew over and turned into a little child, “Wheredjya get it, wheredjya get it?”
Aladdin laughed, “Abu stole it.”
Cassim walked over gingerly and inspected them, “Well, so the monkey still has those hot little paws of his.”
Abu smiled as if it was a compliment and nodded. Iago flew over, “Old habits die hard.” Abu frowned and swung at the bird, but missed. Iago taunted him and the two animals went flying and running around the room after each other.
Aladdin, Genie, and Cassim ignored them. They were too busy trying to figure out what to do next.
“We need to go back and get the gem in the staff, and say the incantation. It’s nearly sunrise!” Cassim started.
“But we also need to get Jasmine out of there, he could have her anywhere!” Aladdin added.
“Son, right now our first priority needs to be to get the evil sorcerer OUT OF AGRABAH!”
“My first priority is, and always will be, Jasmine. We get her out of there first, so I know she’s safe.”
“And what? We leave Rickeem to his plans for even longer. He has to be strong enough by now to take over more cities. We have the seven deserts to worry about!”
“I have Jasmine to worry about! Who knows what Rickeem could be doing to her in there, or if she’s scared, hurt… I will find her first!”
Genie watched as the pair went back and forth in the argument. He then looked over to where Abu held a pillow up in front of him as Iago made his way towards him with a broken candle stick.
“Aladdin, why do you have to be so stubborn?”
“I don’t know, why do you have to go against whatever I say?”
“Go against everything you say?! I’ve done everything that you’ve asked me to do since we’ve gotten here. I trusted you to make the right decisions, and didn’t fight you on anything!”
“Then why you fighting me on this!?”
“Because you aren’t looking at the bigger picture!”
“I am looking at the bigger picture, but I don’t see what the problem is with getting Jasmine and then going after Rickeem!”
“Because you just proved to me that you can’t fight Rickeem and worry about her too!”
Aladdin backed up in shock, “What?”
Cassim sighed and stepped towards Aladdin. “It will cloud your judgment if we go after the girl first. You’ll be too worried about her to fight Rickeem properly…just like before.”
“What did you expect?! Me to just let him have her?!” Aladdin defended.
Cassim threw his hands up and huffed, “I give up.” Aladdin just glared at him.
“Guys, guys!” Genie finally cut in, dressed as a referee. “Let’s take a time out!”
A large crash echoed from the side of the room and Genie looked over to where Abu and Iago were still going after each other. “You too,” Genie said as he zapped them over to where he, Aladdin, and Cassim were standing. Abu climbed up to Aladdin’s shoulder and Iago perched on Cassim’s. Abu stuck his tongue out, and Iago grumbled something under his breath.
“Alright, how do you expect to do ANYTHING when all you guys can do is fight?” Genie started. Carpet flew over and stood next to him, listening to the conversation. “We have a city to save, again, and the princess.” Genie thought for a moment and then looked over to Aladdin, “This really isn’t new for you, is it?” Aladdin turned and looked at him, but didn’t say anything.
The sultan made his way over to the group, “That’s right. Aladdin has saved Agrabah before, he can do it again.”
Aladdin looked over in shock at the old ruler, “But, I thought--”
“I’m speaking as Sultan of Agrabah now my boy, and my first priority should be to get my city back in working order,” the sultan cut him off.
“But as a father?” Aladdin asked.
The sultan sighed and put his hand up, “As a father, I want to do ANYTHING I possibly can to get my only daughter back.”
“Even at the expense of the city?” Cassim asked, his voice calming.
“At the expense of anything,” The sultan replied.
Aladdin turned to his father and sighed, “Dad, you don’t need me to trap Rickeem again. You and Iago can do it alone, with Genie and Abu to help. Why don’t you guys go trap him, and I’ll find Jasmine.”
“It’s too risky,” Cassim replied.
“Dad, I’m not leaving that palace without Jasmine again,” Aladdin shot back, his voice firming back up again.
“Fine Aladdin, do what you want!” Cassim returned. He then turned on his heels and exited the hovel in a huff.
Aladdin looked after him, and Genie came up behind him and put his hands on Al’s shoulders. “Don’t worry Al, he’ll calm down after awhile,” he said imitating a fire place starting to burn out.
“I don’t have time to wait for him to cool down,” Aladdin returned pulling away. “We need to get back to the palace now. The sun will be up in less than two hours, and who knows what Jasmine must be going through.” Aladdin quickly boarded Carpet. “Iago, find my dad and go after Rickeem through the underground tunnels up to the throne room. I’m going to find Jasmine.” He turned to Genie, “Genie, you go with Cassim and the rest of them. They may need your help, take Abu.”
Then Aladdin turned to the sultan who was staring in shock at Aladdin’s sudden commanding voice, “Sultan, please, stay here. I’ll bring Jasmine back safe, I promise!” With that, Aladdin was out of the hovel window and soaring towards the palace.
Abu, Iago, the sultan, and Genie all turned and looked each other, until Iago broke the silence. “You heard the kid, let’s move!”
Genie turned to look at him in annoyed shock, “Since when have you been in such a hurry to help Al?”
“Since… well… since now!” Iago returned and he shooed them out of the hovel, leaving behind a bewildered sultan and Rajah.

Iago flew down the streets of Agrabah, followed by Abu and Genie. He caught up with Cassim, and perched on his shoulder. “Listen,” he huffed, out of breath, “the kid said that we should use the underground tunnels to--”
“We’re leaving Iago,” Cassim cut him off.
Iago looked behind him to Genie and Abu, who stared in shock.
“We’re what?” Iago asked,
“We’re going home, Aladdin doesn’t need us.”
“Like bad baklava, he doesn’t!” Iago returned, “That kid needs us more than ever now!”
Cassim turned to look at him, “Since when do you care about what Aladdin needs?”
“Since when don’t you care!?” Iago shot back.
Cassim turned to look at Genie and Abu. “The bird’s right,” Genie finally said coming up behind the two, “Al needs us.”
Cassim sighed, “Alright, alright, I’ll go!”
Abu cheered happily and ran up on Cassim’s shoulder, knocking Iago off. Cassim laughed and then turned back to Iago, “Now, where are these secret tunnels?”

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Chapter 25: Chapter 25 AN EFFORTLESS RESCUE

Chapter 25

Aladdin and Carpet soared silently up to the palace, unnoticed. “Alright Carpet, let’s find Jasmine.” Carpet nodded his agreement and started going to all the palace windows, looking inside to see if they could find the missing princess. Aladdin peered out over the gardens and menageries, but there was no sign of Jasmine. “C’mon Carpet, we can’t give up yet.”

Jasmine had woken up nearly an hour ago, and was no pacing back and forth in her lavish prison. She looked around the palace bedroom, just once more, to see if there was *anything* she could use to escape. It seemed like Rickeem had already taken everything she could have used. She sighed and sat back down on the bed, putting her head in her hands. Suddenly the door opened with a large CRASH. Jasmine jumped up and scowled.
Rickeem made his way into the room, and smiled when he saw that Jasmine was up and about. “Ah, princess, I’m glad to see that you’re awake.”
“Yeah, no thanks to you,” Jasmine spat back, angered about being hit earlier.
Rickeem smirked, “Now, you know that I didn’t mean to get you. That was entirely your own fault.”
“You shouldn’t have been trying to hit anyone!” Jasmine returned. “Now, let me go.”
“No offense princess, but you’re in no position to be making orders,” Rickeem mocked.
Jasmine’s brow furrowed and she pursed her lips, glaring at the sorcerer. “If you don’t let me go, I’ll--”
“You’ll what? Continue pacing back and forth in this room like a caged tiger?” Rickeem cut her off. Jasmine didn’t respond, she just glared back at him. Rickeem took the time to keep talking, “Face it princess, you’ve lost. I have taken your city, and soon I’ll take the rest of the seven deserts, and then the rest of the world!”
Jasmine laughed, “You just keep thinking that.”
Rickeem stepped out of his glow and turned to look at her, “What’s that? Do you actually think that someone will stop me?”
“Aladdin will,” Jasmine returned, almost too confidently.
Rickeem laughed, “You still on that? You actually still think that your stupid little spoiled prince will be able to save you?”
“Aladdin is *anything* but a spoiled prince.”
“Oh really, could have fooled me.”
Jasmine became increasingly anger, “You have no idea about any of us. You came in here thinking that you’ll just take our city, without any problems.”
“That’s right, I did.” Rickeem returned, glaring down on her. “And as of right now, you’ve done nothing to prove me wrong.”
Chriseis came soaring into the room and perched on his master’s arm. Rickeem turned to look at him, “Chriseis, our sweet princess here thinks that her husband will still rescue her.”
Chriseis almost seemed to laugh, Rickeem joined in. “That’s right my pet, it is impossible. Didn’t we take *good* care of him earlier?” Chriseis nodded, and turned to look at Jasmine, making a swift motion with his talon.
Jasmine covered her mouth, “No, you didn’t!”
“Oh, we did,” Rickeem answered.
Jasmine’s eyes filled with tears, and they began to stream down her face. She ran to her bed and through herself, sobbing uncontrollably. Rickeem looked after her, gathering no pleasure from her sudden outburst. He simply turned on his heels, leaving the room, and slamming the door behind him.
Jasmine ignored the door slamming, she just slammed her fists down on the bed, tears soaking the sheets. Thoughts of Aladdin surrounded her mind, and she closed her eyes.
Jasmine could actually hear him calling her name. She began to cry harder and harder.
Jasmine heard her name called again and she opened her eyes.
“Jasmine… it’s me.”
Jasmine knew that it wasn’t in her mind anymore. She sat up and looked out the window, and saw Aladdin standing on Carpet waiting for her. Jasmine’s eyes lit up and she ran to him. Aladdin jumped down off Carpet, until Jasmine dove into him, sending them both to the ground. Jasmine laughed, tears still streaming down her face. She kissed him quickly before pulling away and looking into his eyes.
“Jasmine, it’s alright. I’m right here,” Aladdin soothed, wiping some tears away from her face. “What’s the matter? What did he do to you?”
Jasmine shook her head, “he didn’t do anything to me. He told me that they killed you! They told me that you were never coming back!”
Aladdin’s eyes turned angry, “Jasmine, I won’t ever leave you. I’m so sorry for leaving you earlier, I didn’t want to--”
“It’s alright, you’re back now,” Jasmine said as Aladdin helped her up. She hugged him tight and loved the feeling of his arms engulfing her. She finally felt safe again.
Aladdin smiled, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
Jasmine nodded, “Oh, I am now. I was so afraid that he had killed you, for real.”
Aladdin didn’t say anything. He jumped up on Carpet and helped Jasmine back up. “Where is everyone?” Jasmine asked as she grabbed Aladdin’s shoulders.
“I am not sure at the moment,” Aladdin admitted.
“They are supposed to be on their way back to Rickeem.”
“You let them go by themselves! They’ll be killed!”
Aladdin frowned, “That’s why we’re going to help them now. I just had to come get you first.”
Jasmine smiled, “I’m glad you did. I want to see Rickeem trapped again, just as much as the rest of you.”
Aladdin nodded, “And that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Right now.”
“You’d think that Rickeem would have put up more security around this place,” Jasmine changed the subject.
“He thinks the palace guards are going to protect him,” Aladdin responded. “That’s why I’m not to worried about the guys using the underground tunnels. If anything, Rasoul is probably leading them to Rickeem.”
“And you’re sure they’ll be alright?” Jasmine questioned.
Aladdin shook his head, “I don’t know anything for sure Jasmine. I just know that we have to find them, and we have to help them.” Jasmine didn’t say anything, she just sat back. Aladdin took her in his arms and they soared towards the palace throne room.

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Chapter 26: Chapter 26 RELUCTANT MONKEY-BOY

Chapter 26

“Abu, get your stinkin’ tail out of my face!” Iago squawked as he flew behind Cassim. Abu turned around and glared at him, then turned and faced back front, on Cassim’s shoulder. His tail again hit Iago in the face, and Iago grabbed it, pulling the monkey to the floor. Abu screeched in anger and jumped up, trying to grab the parrot.
“Stop now you two,” Cassim ordered. The two animals looked up at him, and then glared at each other. Cassim kept making his way down the tunnel, holding Genie who had now transformed himself into a flashlight. “Are you sure we’re going the right way bird?” Cassim asked as they made their way down the dark tunnel.
“I know these tunnels like the back of my wing, trust me,” Iago replied, brushing his shoulder off.
Abu rolled his eyes, “Oh boy,” he screeched.
“I guess all those years sneaking around with Jafar had to pay off sometime,” Genie mused from Cassim’s clutches.
Iago grumbled something under his breath, but the rest of the group ignored him. They traveled some more distance in silence. “Stop here!” Iago suddenly commanded, and Cassim jolted to a stop.
“What’s going on?” Genie asked, trying to see around him.
“We’re under the throne room,” Iago replied. He flew up to the top of the tunnel and started pulling at the ceiling. “Shine the dolt up here,” Iago called down to Cassim. Cassim pointed the shining part of Genie up towards Iago, and illuminated his search area. Cassim looked around, “What are you looking for?”
Iago pulled at a tiny rope that was entwined on the ceiling. Suddenly, a large stair case fell down, landing at Cassim’s feet. Cassim looked up at Iago, “That was too close little friend.”
“I knew where it was going to land, trust me,” Iago returned, pride swelling in his voice.
Genie turned back to his normal self and looked up. “Good job bird man,” he said. He looked up, “It’s still dark up there.”
Iago smirked, “Well, then illuminate it for us.” Genie turned into a large spot light and shined up into the passage way Iago had just opened. Cassim climbed the steps cautiously. When he came to the top step, he realized that he was surrounded by walls on all sides. Genie turned into his normal self and joined them, the staircase then closed to its normal state.
“Where are we?” Genie asked after he joined them. He felt around, and noticed the walls. “What have you gotten us into?”
Iago scoffed, “We’re in the palace pillar. Now shut up, he could still here us in here.”
“You mean we’re in one of the columns?” Cassim asked, as he was squished up against the wall by Genie.
“Yeah, Jafar and I used to stay in here and listen to the conversations the Sultan would have with people,” Iago informed.
Abu screeched uncomfortably as his head was smashed up against the wall.
“Oh, sorry monkey boy,” Genie said. He turned into a midget Genie and looked up to Iago. “How do we know when it’s safe for us to get out of here.”
Iago felt the walls around him until he found a small handle. He pulled it, and a small peep hole appeared, and you could see right to the throne. “That’s how.”
“He’s just sitting there,” Cassim said as he looked through the hole. “It looks like he is trying to plot out his next conquest… we need to find a way to get the gem back on top of the staff and say the incantation without him noticing.”
“Sure, that’ll be easy,” Iago quirked.
Genie flicked him in the head, “Nothing’s easy around here, haven’t you got that yet?” he asked, mocking a young teenage girl.
Iago glared at him, “Well get the monkey to put it on the staff. His hands of fire have to be good for something nowadays.”
Abu looked down at his hands and whimpered, and then began blowing them off to show that he wasn’t sure he could do it.
“Oh c’mon little fellow, I know you can do it. Why, if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t even have the gem at this very moment,” Cassim coaxed. Abu began beaming with pride, but he still wasn’t quite sure.
“Just do it already monkey,” Iago interrupted. He then hit a small round button on the walls of the column, and small opening opened towards the top. Cassim and Genie looked from the whole back to Iago. “What?” Iago asked, “it was the only way I could get out and eavesdrop without being caught.”
Abu stood stubbornly on Cassim’s shoulder, and turned his back to Iago. Iago rolled his eyes, “You don’t have a choice, Al’s counting on us!” Iago wrapped his feet around Abu’s scrawny shoulders and flew him up towards the opening. Abu struggled fiercely against the parrot’s hold, but it wasn’t worth it. Iago made his way to the opening, and began trying to force Abu through the hole, but Abu stopped himself by using all of his paws to hold on to the edges for dear life.
Cassim and Genie watched the two fight against each other humorously. Genie sighed, “Look’s like our monkey-boy needs a little bit of persuasion.” Genie zapped a bit of magic into Abu’s rear, which made the monkey screech with pain.
Chriseis looked up from his master’s side when he heard the screeched, and right towards the column, but he saw nothing.
Iago watched from the peep hole as Chriseis peered around for a few moments, and then went back to his master’s plan for the conquest. Abu rubbed his head a little from the fall and then looked around, after silently cursing his parrot friend. He peeked around the column and saw Rickeem’s staff and its owner sitting on the sultan’s throne. He pawed the gem nervously, and noticed the sun beginning to come up in the horizon. He scampered off in the throne’s direction, carefully avoiding the falcon’s stare. He used pillows and tables as his cover, and circled around the throne room until he made it behind the throne. He then began to climb up the back of the throne, and sat at the top on the horn’s that accentuated it. He took the sapphire from his vest and began to reach to put it on the staff.
The rest of the group still in the column silently urged him on. “C’mon monkey boy,” Genie whispered, echoed by the rest of the group.
Abu’s paw was just about to the tip of the staff and he almost had the gem in place when he felt something pull at his tail. The next thing he knew, he was being pulled down, and being held upside down by his tail, staring right into the eyes of Rickeem. He screeched widely and tried to escape.
“Why Chriseis, look what we’ve got here,” Rickeem sleuthed, staring at the monkey. Abu glared back angrily, and tried to hide the sapphire. Rickeem noticed, and immediately grabbed for the gem. Abu pulled away, but he wasn’t quick enough, Rickeem had gained ownership of the gem. “Don’t worry monkey, you’re not the first to fail in your group,” Rickeem mocked, rubbing at the underside of Abu’s chin. Abu bit hard into the sorcerer’s finger, making him cry out. He threw Abu to the floor and stood up, glaring over him. “Eat him,” he directed to Chriseis.
Chriseis smiled and soared out towards Abu. Abu curled up in a ball, and waited for the pain that the falcon could inflict. When nothing came, Abu braved a look up into the room. He screeched in happiness at what he saw. Jasmine stood on top of the falcon, looking down on him. Chriseis screeched sadly at the pain. Aladdin stood next to her, but he was facing Rickeem. Abu ran up to Jasmine and up on her shoulder, watching for what happened next.
“Alright Rickeem, this ends now,” Aladdin growled.

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Chapter 27: Chapter 27 JEWELED ENTRAPMENT

Chapter 27

“Aladdin, how nice of you to join us once again,” Rickeem sleuthed, not moving from the throne. “And look, you brought back my fiancé,” he added, gesturing to Jasmine. “You were very sly to have gotten her away without me noticing.”
“It helps when he didn’t have any restriction on my part,” Jasmine added.
“Of course,” Rickeem replied. He motioned for Chriseis to come back to him, and the falcon agreed. Aladdin fell to his hands and knees, but quickly got back up. Jasmine ran up beside of him, and she noticed the dagger that he held tightly in his hand.
“Aladdin,” Jasmine started, but Aladdin motioned, and she stopped. He put himself in front of her protectively, and stared towards the sorcerer.
Rickeem smiled, and he stepped out from the throne and made his way until he was just a few inches away from Aladdin’s face. “I am tired of these games. I would have conquered the seven deserts by now if it wasn’t for you, are you aware of that?”
Aladdin glared, “Is this the part I’m supposed to apologize?”
Rickeem looked shocked, but his smirk returned soon. He waved his hand, and Jasmine was now wearing a dark purple outfit instead of her light blue one that she had on. “I like her like that, how about you Aladdin.”
“Rickeem, if you-”
“Stop with the threats Aladdin, they are growing quite tiresome,” Rickeem cut him off. “I’m tired of this,” he put his hand up, but before he could do anything, Aladdin shoved the dagger into his stomach.
Jasmine gasped and hid her head in Aladdin’s shoulder, and Abu made a grossed out look. Aladdin withdrew his dagger, and turned around and took Jasmine into his arms. “Aladdin…”
“Jasmine, I had to, I mean-,” Aladdin sighed.
“I understand,” Jasmine replied.
“Really, then I wish someone could explain it to me,” Rickeem’s voice shot in-between them. “I mean, I just don’t understand how you could possibly think that you could kill me like that.”
Aladdin had a shocked glare on his face. Jasmine could tell that he was worried, which made her tremble slightly. Chriseis came over and landed on his master’s shoulder, and screeched louder.
Rickeem didn’t say another word he just thrust a huge ball of magic at the small party in front of him. Aladdin and Jasmine went crashing into the wall hard, and slumped to floor, unmoving. Carpet went soaring towards them, and tried to wake them, but it was no use. Rickeem rushed over and examined his work. “They are still alive,” he said, a bit annoyed.
Aladdin groaned loudly and then opened his eyes. He looked around at Abu on his lap, and Jasmine at his side. “What have you done?” he asked bringing Jasmine into his arms.
“That’s the obvious part, now let me show you what I’m doing now,” Rickeem returned and a purple light surrounded Aladdin. Aladdin struggled fiercely, but it was no use. Rickeem then aimed for the open balcony of the throne room and thrust Aladdin out over it. Carpet went to help, but Rickeem froze him in his place.
“AL!” Genie called out, but he didn’t make it in time. He saw Aladdin fall to the ground.
“Aladdin! No…” Cassim almost screamed as he came out of the hiding spot also. Iago flew behind him, “The kid’s gone.”
Jasmine began stirring a bit, and she opened her eyes a little, and examined what was going on. She saw Cassim, Genie, Rickeem, and Iago all looking at something, but she didn’t have time to worry what it was. She saw the sapphire across the floor and she dove for it, unnoticed. She made her way to the staff, and then something hit her. She didn’t see Aladdin!
Rickeem turned around and saw the princess holding the gem right above the staff. “No!” he called out.
“Cassim where’s Aladdin?!” Jasmine called out to her father in law.
Cassim shook his head, “He’s-”
“What? He’s what Cassim!?” Jasmine demanded him to answer.
Cassim rubbed the back of his neck, and Jasmine saw the sparkle of tears in his eyes. “No,” she whispered.
“Princess, get away from there,” Rickeem ordered.
“YOU KILLED ALADDIN!” Jasmine said outraged, tears streaming down her face.
Rickeem looked surprised, “I did.”
Jasmine didn’t want to believe it, but she knew she had no choice. “A life for a life. Now doesn’t that seem fair?” Jasmine asked as she dropped the sapphire into the staff.
“NO!” Rickeem screamed and he shot a stream of magic towards her, but Jasmine dropped them gem right into the staff.
“Cassim, the incantation!” Iago called.
Cassim came back to reality and he quickly called the out the entrapment spell. “TRAPPED BEFORE, AND NOW ONCE AGAIN! THREATENS WHOM WHO THREATENS MAN!” Cassim called out. Rickeem turned to look at him. “That was for Aladdin,” Cassim called to him.
The stream of magic almost hit Jasmine when it disappeared. Jasmine watched as Rickeem was sucked into the gem in a windy and dazzling display. She shielded herself, and could hear Chriseis screeching in agony as he too was sucked back into the sapphire. When things had settled, she looked up and saw the tiny gem laying still in the middle of the room. She ran to it, but instead of stopping, she kicked it out of the way as she made her way to the balcony side. Cassim tried to stop her, but she ran right through his shield.
“Genie, get the gem,” Jasmine ordered as she neared the balcony’s edge. Genie ignored her command and came up behind her as she looked over the side.
“Jas…” Genie started.
“No, Genie, I have to see,” Jasmine shot back as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She made her way and looked down. Genie looked away and waited for her reaction. Iago came over and landed on Genie’s shoulder, and Abu came up next to his leg. Cassim came next, handling the gem. They all looked at each other, not knowing what to expect.
“Aladdin!” Jasmine cried out. Genie turned and looked over at her, surprised by her call. She sounded…happy. The rest of the group ran over and looked down. Aladdin was hanging onto the railing, looking up at them, cut and bruised.
“Umm…a little help guys,” Aladdin asked as he looked down. Carpet came between the group and under Aladdin who dropped down on him. Carpet came back up into the throne and dropped the young man off. Even before Aladdin’s feet hit the ground, Jasmine threw him to the ground again. She kissed him hard, and hugged him tight.
“Did I miss something?” Aladdin asked as he looked around. “Where’s Rickeem?”
“Right here,” Cassim said coming in between them, holding the sapphire. He looked at Aladdin for a second, and then took him into his arms, and ruffled his hair.
Genie then came up and gathered Aladdin into his arms, and hugged him like a sumo wrestler. “Genie, you’re hurting me!” Genie let him go, just to let him be tackled again by Abu an Carpet. Aladdin laughed, “What’s going on?”
“What do you think?!” Iago squawked from Cassim’s shoulder. “We thought you were dead kid!”
Everyone looked surprised at the parrot, but then turned back to see Aladdin’s reaction. Aladdin looked stunned, “You thought… oh boy.” He took Jasmine in his arms and looked at her. He wiped the tears from her eyes and she smiled.
“I thought you were gone, again.” She said.
“Never,” Aladdin replied.
“I hate to break this love fest up you two mush bunnies, but we need to get mental boy and his pet dragon eater back to where they belong,” Genie interrupted.
Aladdin sighed, and looked out towards the sun. “It’s just now sunrise, we need to keep it covered.”
“No problem,” Genie replied. He took the sapphire and wrapped it in a metal box, making a exaggerated hammering motion for the bolts, and then placed it in a wooden box. “There’ll be no sun touching this little treasure.”
Iago sniffed, “What a waste.” The rest of the group rolled their eyes and Abu bonked him on the head.
“Alright, let’s get going,” Aladdin said. He let the group gather onto Carpet then he nestled in next to Jasmine. “Dad, you know where we’re going… you lead the way.”
“No problem,” Cassim replied. And he began the direction giving towards the cavern.

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Chapter 28: Chapter 28 THE END

Chapter 28

Aladdin made his way out of the cavern, followed by Cassim. He made his way to Jasmine, and waited for Cassim to clear the entrance. He then looked up to Genie, “Alright, it’s clear!”
Genie made a thumbs up sign, and dropped the bulldozer full of rocks in front of the cavern, covering the entrance, along with camouflaging it. He transformed into his normal appearance and came down to meet the rest of the group. “I think that about did it. They won’t be able to get back in that cave for say…oh… the next 300 years at least, or whenever they invented dynamite.”
“Thanks Genie.” Aladdin turned to Iago that was now perched onto Cassim’s shoulders. “And no more cursed treasure hunts for you,” he warned, shaking his finger at him.
Iago looked shocked, “I didn’t know it was cursed? What? Did you think I thought that was fun!? Do you think I wanted to do that?”
Jasmine started to pet him under his chin, “No, of course not Iago. Just try to be more careful from now on.”
“She’s right little one,” Cassim remarked, “we’ll all try to be more careful from now on.” He shot a look over to Aladdin, “Because you never know what you may loose to a mistake.”
Jasmine nodded, “Sometimes it’s just not worth it,” she said as she wrapped her arms around Aladdin.
Aladdin sighed, “Isn’t that truth?”
“I don’t know what you guys get so worked up about!!! I didn’t hear the monkey getting this much flack when he touched that gem thing-thing in the Cave of Wonders,” Iago grumbled.
“Hey,” Abu squeaked, knocking him down off Cassim shoulder, and they went tumbling down into the bushes below.
Cassim peered down, and smirked. “Uh-oh,” he laughed.
Aladdin and Jasmine came over and peered down, “What?”
“Lilies,” Cassim replied, and soon Iago’s sneezing could be heard loudly from the top of the crevice.
Genie laughed and zapped a box of tissues down, “I think he’ll be needing those.” The group laughed as they boarded Carpet. Iago came flying up, sneezing his head off… Abu climbed up after him, obviously pleased with himself.
The rest of the way home, it was peaceful. Genie sat with Cassim, joking. Iago sneezed the rest of the way home, with Abu laughing at his expense, and Jasmine and Aladdin just laid in each other’s arms, talking quietly.
“We’ll have to get father when we get back to Agrabah,” Jasmine said.
“It’ll be our second stop,” Aladdin replied.
“We have to drop off dad and Iago first. Now with Rickeem gone, there’s nothing keeping the guards from capturing him again,” Aladdin sighed, looking over at his father.
Jasmine took his head into her hands, “I wish there was something I could do, but he’s a criminal. We let him go once, for no reason at all. We can’t do it again.”
Aladdin nodded, “I understand.” Jasmine sighed, and they were silent for the rest of the ride until they reached the Den of the Former Forty Thieves.
The group went in the back way, and right into the main room of the cave. Cassim jumped down and looked up at Aladdin, Jasmine, Genie, and Abu. Iago flew down and perched on his shoulder.
“Well, it’s been fun,” Cassim tried at his good-bye.
“Oh, yeah, loads,” Iago remarked.
Aladdin jumped down, and before Cassim could say another word, Aladdin embraced him. “Thanks Dad, for everything.”
“You’re welcome son, we’ll have to do it again sometime,” Cassim replied, returning the hug.
“You guys seriously need some re-decorating around here,” Genie remarked, looking around the cave as a home decorator. “The colors are way to drab darling.”
Jasmine laughed and then walked up to Cassim, “We couldn’t have done this without you.”
Cassim hugged her tight, “You do Aladdin good, you know that?” Jasmine smiled.
“Well, you guys better be going. I’m sure the Sultan is worrying about you,” Cassim said nervously. The group boarded Carpet again and started out. They waved good bye, but then Genie cried out.
“Wait, where’s Abu?”
They turned around and looked around the cavern. Suddenly, they heard sobs from the behind one of the rocks, and they went to investigate. There they found Iago and Abu hugging tight, both crying hysterically.
“Don’t take the monkey away from me, I can’t bear it again,” Iago wailed.
Abu began to screech, “Me either!”
“Abu, we have to go home,” Aladdin ordered, peeling him off Iago. Iago fell on the ground like a little kid and began crying harder.
Jasmine laughed, “You guys, we’ll be back to visit. Often, I promise.”
“We will?” Aladdin and Abu both asked at the same time.
“Of course we will. Just because they aren’t welcome in Agrabah’s limits, doesn’t mean that we can’t come see them.”
Iago regained his composure, “GREAT!” he cried, then he cleared his throat, “I mean, if you *have* to.”
“Well, we don’t *have* to,” Genie replied, heading out.
“No, no, no!” Iago interrupted, “You guys can come… well… you can, leave the big blue guy at home.”
Genie scoffed and hit Iago in the rear with a zap of magic. Iago fell behind the rock and all they saw were feathers flying up.
“Oh great, now I’m naked,” they heard Iago grumble.
They laughed and again boarded Carpet for the final time. They said goodbye and headed out of the cave. They soared out over the desert, and it wasn’t long before they saw the grand city of Agrabah, laying out before them.

The End

Well, there's my story guys. I hoped you enjoyed it, even though I got slow near the end. I'd love to hear your reviews... and look for future stories if you enjoyed this one. Thanks for sticking through with me.

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.

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